I do not agree that the acting in Prometheus was "competent". Other than a few brief moments of fun by Idris Ebla, it was brutally boring, start to finish.
I do not agree that the acting in Prometheus was "competent". Other than a few brief moments of fun by Idris Ebla, it was brutally boring, start to finish.
There are already plenty of "nostalgic" board games that are not fun to play. Save your recommendations for games which deserve it.
I'm out. Plug-pulled a little bit into this episode, and I forsake any remaining thought of circling back to the show later. In addition to being a downer, the show is clearly stringing its viewers along. And we know how that usually goes. At least prior examples such as LOST had nice scenery to work with. Here, it's…
Perfect, thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.
I wish my downvote downgraded your 2 to a 1.
SMASH was almost as much of a disjointed mess as Clinton 2016. I just wish there was a "Shattered" for us to read after SMASH's demise. The book would be more entertaining than the actual show-about-a-show.
Ukraine is weak in real life, and RISK is boring.
Don't go visit weird hate-filled subreddits, and then share their poison to a wider audience (like here). That's gotta be the most foolish thing I've read all day. Oh wait, I was reading "Shattered" earlier. Never mind, they were more unwise than you.
I agree with you, I found it overall superior to Hurt Locker. I'm guessing some Academy members were offended by the film's factual inaccuracies, and took it out on Ms. Bigelow by withholding their nominations from her direction of the film.
Oh I already knew about that. Remember, I said I knew too much already. This week was hardly the first time that interview has been revisited. During the campaign, Hillary Clinton was so frustrating, for me and many others. She was utterly unwilling or incapable to do what she needed to do to escape her doomed fate as…
But she didn't even get nominated for Directing "Zero Dark Thirty", in a clear signal of "ok, you had your moment, now FUCK OFF".
That was his MAIN segment last night? 22 minutes about Trump's kids? Sounds like a boring topic I know way too much about already. Glad I skipped it.
Having a boyfriend > > > having online commenting "fans".
I only downvoted that one post, because it deserved it. I can't speak for others, but I don't "follow [you] around". Furthermore, I daresay you like whatever attention you are getting, otherwise you would use the readily available feature for hiding your activity. And now I'm leaving.
That's if you even live long enough to see The Last Jedi, which isn't a guarantee.
ALL HAIL the Penn State Creamery!
Good point, and I would add Ron Howard winning a Best Director Academy Award for the inaccurate and uneven film "A Beautiful Mind". Came shortly after his prior and much better film "Apollo 13" failed to even get him a nomination. Coincidence? I think not.
Kidman's Oscar win was for playing a character with a weird nose who kills herself. I'm guessing they were ok with that. This is different.
It's an older model that only has a dial.
Not shocked. Telling a mate to ponder the attractiveness of others seems pretty "socially awkward" to me. And Ed would not have done that in front of Madeleine. I mean, come on.