Nathan Bartholomew

The episode strongly implies that Madeline had a previous dispute with the Mayor. Perhaps it didn't take much to revive old hostilities. The whole thing is fictional anyway… how about we all just chill out. Defining the fictional battle lines seems to getting people really worked up.

The backlash is already getting up to speed. Have you not noticed it yet?

By that logic the Disney Toy Lady should run for President.

The plot makes clear that the theater is being provided with huge amounts of local tax funding. Therefore, yes the community gets a say in the content.

No Tessa. Book of Mormon's second half is filled with pointless scenes with a silly rape and pillage African military warlord named general buttfucker or something similar. I'm so glad Hamilton came along to push theater in a better direction.

He's a nobody that is already circling the drain, so perfect that he be misidentified in the story. The Aladdin skateboard was cute but there's like 1000 video channels with stuff like that.

Yawn, they get enough attention already, and a movie which underperformed just like the show.

Bleh, banish this pest.

Oh, I know! Rory tells her mom the guy is black. I can already hear the blog posts being written.

A watered down version of shock-value talking puppets sounds like the most boring thing ever. Imagine making Howard Stern into a Saturday Morning cartoon, that's about what I'm envisioning. NO THANKS.

Didn't they kinda burn their bridges with that ending though? Or do they think the fans will be like a dog that can't help returning to its own vomit?

How would that work with his insane beard?

Avenue Q is a play for adults though. One of the main aims for local government funding of theater is to encourage children to get interested in theater arts. How are they supposed to get interested in the theater through plays which they should not be seeing as children? The fact that she would defend "Book of

It's a bit sad that we've seen them often enough and clearly enough to be able to make that call. I don't really care that much either way. She's definitely giving us a great performance, which is what I DO care about.

I'm guessing I only returned because of a reply to a previous post. Also, 60 seconds of reading an episode recap is a lot less than an hour of watching a shitty show I abandoned. So yeah, I was curious as to how it turned out, and then I made fun of it. So what.

Oh, sure, as if I'm the only snarky commenter on the AV Club… (rolls eyes)

That issue is adequately handled and explained by "they will think we are already dead" scene. I disagree it's a problem, it's actually a rather clever way to set up the exploding roof. EDIT: Also, they needed a strong agency response in order to get the vault lock's power cut. AS EXPLAINED. geez, keep up.

There's another deleted scene (on the "Ultimate Edition" DVD set) where McClain flirts a bit with that HOT flight attendant. She practically throws herself at him. I wish they had left that part in.

I wasn't forced to watch a Trailer for "Contract to Kill", but I was for "The Shack". It's been many years since a Steven Seagal movie was even widely noticed, let alone taken seriously. It's this insidious garbage like The Shack which needs as "F" even more. These aren't random Romanians pretending to be Mexicans.

Yeah, that's all I'm saying is that sometimes it has seemed like a Lake Wobegon type situation where "all the episodes are above average", especially in cases where the letter grade doesn't match harsh things said in the text. That's all. That if a websites bother to use letter grades, they ought to have a meaning