Nathan Bartholomew

If they combined all AV Club reviews, I bet the resulting results curve would be significantly skewed in an overly positive direction, ESPECIALLY the TV episode reviews. Just… so many "A" and "B" grades. If they gave the episodes of a fading show the consistently bad grades it deserves, readership for the show's

Oh pardon me for not hanging around the website constantly. There's grade inflation in the few reviews that I have personally read. TV shows are where I have noticed the inflation. Perhaps for film things are generally more reasonable.

The grade says "D" but the review's text screams "F", so please just rate things as they deserve. Often it seems like AV Club believes in grade inflation.

Revisionist lies. Lumiere was very clearly romantically involved with the feather duster who upon becoming human again, is a big-breasted young french female.

After the ~10 second main portion of the scene, she turned away from him and walked out of the room, while rapidly fixing her clothes as if to pretend it hadn't happened. Her hands were moving like someone who got worked up but hadn't cum. As mentioned above, the words "twisted" and "fucked up" seem like better

Facebook comments are not representative of normal people.

The Met is suffering through a budget crisis, so I wouldn't say the donation box model always works well.

No, but I knew enough to abort watching the Young Pope after 3 or 4 episodes. It sounds incredibly silly the way some people defend it as a good show, about the same level of ridiculousness as eating shit. "It's visually stunning" is their typical defense. Shit with good lighting is still shit, I say.

I'd have to be very drunk to think poop like "Young Pope" is actually the entertainment equivalent of steak. Poop is still poop, even when it's a steaming single log, curled just so.

Fun fact: thefailingnewyorktimes (dot) com redirects to the ACLU

I voted for Hillary Clinton, so did my fiance, and I still watch Hallmark movies with her sometimes. But I have zero interest in taking her to see "Moonlight". A movie about street-level drug trade, broken family systems, and sexual identity questioning? NO THANKS, that's not something I'm going to pay money to see.

Overreaching; too many assumptions there.

Looks like viewers are reawakening to the idea that Hallmark movies are more consistently entertaining and fun than the typical nihilist "prestige" TV that's been shoved at us for so long.

Yawn. If it had been a first album by a new band, I doubt it would have attracted much notice.

Indeed. 1985 was too many years and too many beers ago.

If a TV show is visually attractive, people are willing to accept boring dialogue and nonsensical plots. There, I just summarized all episodes of The Young Pope.

The reviewer's words are harsh enough for a "C" grade, and yet this episode still got a "B"? If something is boring, don't be afraid to be hard on it. I don't want to see a bunch of lazy grade inflation. Let's not pretend all the actors are skilled, and all their shows are above average.

Well if Season 2 was as viable as you say, why is Season 3 being described as being something that "more than likely [will] never happen"?

"Not great but good" works fine for a Hallmark movie, not for something with the kind of disturbing imagery and content of a show like True Detective.

I guess the guy was thinking: "Note to self: Set buckshot to Stun"