Nathan Bartholomew

And when a "season" is only 10 episodes, having that much filler is a huge problem. I would have thought the whole point of having such short seasons is that you DON'T HAVE "filler" episodes.

Did they explain why the shooter didn't shoot the victim in the face, shoot repeatedly, or use stronger ammunition? I know I seem a bit like the woman in Misery bitching about the cockadoodie person that didn't get out of the car going over the cliff. I know that. But when a show does a Big End of The Episode Moment

You say that like we're supposed to know that show's characters by name.

Look, I didn't see season 2, but didn't it feature a guy that got shot point blank with a shotgun, and somehow survive anyway? That's idiotic, is it not? Also, I heard it featured Vince Vaughn. Doesn't he have a rep of being a bad actor, and boring, now that he's too old to play a frat boy? Might as well throw Luke

If a past TV show or film doesn't seem worth revisiting, even after some time has passed, then it probably wasn't something I truly enjoyed. That's my rule of thumb. For example, I'd love to watch Rogue One again, but Episode VII: Hot Topic Sith Boy & His Multi-Shot PokePlanet? Hell no.


wtf, are you trying to compete with Slate to see who can write the most vapid, self-important articles? Only when I'm at my lowest ebb of boredom do I even come here. With that said, I'm realizing that no amount of boredom can make visiting this shithole worthwhile. (leaves)

Jack Nicholson once said that at one point he was really into realism. He said "you go mad with realism, but then you run up against someone like Stanley [Kubrick] who says "yeah, it's real but it isn't interesting"". That quote stuck out to me because I realized that I much prefer the "interesting" to the "real" even

Can we hate Bronies? Maybe they watch the pony show so it gives them things to talk to children about during the "grooming" process.

No, you're wrong, but I don't feel like explaining. You have over 6000 posts, clearly you have the time and the anger to go round and round on this, so I'll just back away from the crazy person now.

I like that you are targeting your anger at the guy and the show. And that's it.

If it makes you amused and happy that people got molested… because it takes your enemies down a notch… you're as bigoted as they get.

I'm just disgusted by how thrilled some bigoted people get when they have the opportunity to broad-brush. The tragedy gives them an excuse to let their hatred come out to play. They're GLAD it happened.

"Ignore those who question the echo chamber!" "We don't actually WANT answers to our questions!"

You seem eager to read about it, so I'm sure there are investigators working hard to offer you the stories you are desperately seeking.

That's a complex question, but your hate seems fairly straightforward.

I cancelled my HBO subscription about 15 minutes after the end of the episode.

Better than chewing over lame TV shows with you psychos. Even Zodiac_MF can't stand you people anymore, and that's saying something.

I would argue that Khal Drogo's actions were not actively and pre-meditatively abusive like Ramsay's clearly were.

"don't watch" you say. Cancelling is what people do when they DON'T WANT TO WATCH ANY MORE OF THIS GARBAGE!