
He doesn't say he's purging Reflektor - he says "keeping everything I've got here (everything except Reflektor)". So he never owned Reflektor and isn't purging everything (must own an EP or something as you said).

Sure, with a facade vs CGI, but is music "tangible"? You can't touch it, or feel it.

Here's a question… Are the sound effects / non-diegetic music in a film "real"? Certainly not any more than the CGI… they are elements that were layered on top of the "reality" of what the camera shot just as CGI is.

Don't know what a "ZQN" is, but SPOILERS - he kills Hiromi within 4 or 5 chapters.

Alfred Hitchcock won for Rebecca (1940).

Eh, the DRM on eReaders bothers me a lot less. I mean, yeah, the 1984 thing isn't great (really unfortunate book it happened to lol) but when you actually read the story it's not that outlandish. I've never had anything happen.

Yeah pretty much agreed. I have to say, I probably *would* mind physical media dying a little even if the downloads were the same quality (I do just like having a nice physical collection, especially when they come with cool booklets like Criterion/Arrow releases).

I hate that physical media is dying. To me, with a bad internet, streaming looks completely shit, and even if you have perfect internet, it's no where near the quality of a blu-ray.

I liked this episode but I did think it was a bit weak and this is the reason why. Not just with Krieger but also with Ray as well, really.

Honestly, I don't notice this much or it doesn't bother me. Or I think you're overblowing how many callbacks/running jokes there are.

I liked "And the Oscar for _____ goes to _____"

I feel like a lot of films wouldn't pass the test of (a) two named characters who (b) talk to each other (c) about something other than exposition.

I'm interested in what you would consider a scary horror movie.

What does "committing to the Bechdel Test" even mean? That doesn't make any sense… does it mean they would'n't show any films that failed the Bechdel Test? If so, that's obviously a terrible idea and I'm sure Bechdel would even say that herself.

Yeah, this and *Funny Games* are very different movies. I like both. And BTW the American and original versions of Funny Games are almost identical.

Well, NeedleDrop did a review:

Depends what you mean by "proper good music" but I like checking NeedleDrop and reading The Wire. Not sure how good their website is though.

Is this a problem? It's a drama about a women with a dangerous job going up against dangerous criminals… it's not as if it *promotes* violence against women.

I liked this, but I really thought it was *too* similar to Fargo… I mean, let me lay this shit out: