
Oh for some reason I thought you said "release". Then you're talking about "Selected Ambient Works 85-92"? It isn't really a compilation album is it… I mean, the title makes it sound like it, but the pieces weren't released before the album (where they?). So it's more like just an album that took a while to record/

What? No it wasn't… it was Analogue Bubblebath Vol. 1 and it was an EP.

I dunno. I mean… kind of. It's not as if Tolkien's world makes too much sense anyway. But the way I see (HAHA) it, this is like one of the few things that can actually be explained without just saying "a wizard did it".

Maybe I'm misunderstanding here, but I thought this video was stupid because literally all that would need to be different for this to make sense is for Elves to have bigger pupils (like, eye holes) right?

If I'm not mistaken, literally all he'd need was to have EDIT: wait… EDIT: no, bigger pupils is right. Does TLOTR say Elves have similar pupils?

Well, yeah, as evidenced by the fact everyone thinks it's an apple. I just think it's kind of interesting how that happens. Especially with the angels - that shit is freaking crazy.

Apples have nothing to do with the Garden of Eden. Apples didn't even exist when the Old Testament was written and the specific fruit isn't specified in the Bible.

Why the Kit Harrington hatred? I didn't really think Ygritte was THAT interesting, or that her story really had much place to go… also, saying it's "another 'Blackwater' where no one important dies" seems kind of silly since it's making a sweeping statement about a type of GoT episode which only two of exist. It's not

m8 I'll deal with you if you don't watch your gob.

My understanding of the colon is that there is a complete sentence on the left (preceding the colon) and a description, list, explanation or extra info after. I mean, is "it tastes just like everything else" really a full sentence? The only reason we know what "it" is is because of the preceding part. I guess, sure,

Can I just bring up some problem I have with all AVClub articles? Why on Earth do you capitalise after a colon? WHO DOES THAT?!

Didn't they win a Grammy? So… no. Not respected.

Really? Any post-OK Computer Radiohead album? It's not as if it's freaking Stockhausen or Metal Machine Music or goddamn Merzbow. It's a bit more experimental than OK Computer, but things like Kid A are very listenable and catchy. That answer kind of confuses me.

A disco mechanic?

*Is* that sand? It looks more like… not sure, salt I guess, to me. Which probably makes even more sense.

Than 'you' do, yes. Fine. The thing that annoys me is that he brings everyone else into it. How can it simply be a subjective opinion that "the people listening are enjoying it less…"? If people say they enjoy something, they do, right? You know, it's like if I said to someone "yeah I love Beethoven" and then someone

Wel, yeah, I thought someone might say that, but I just think this oponion is pretty much daft. Because who is he to decide how much fun listeners of modern jazz are having?

Ugh, I kind of hate that "criticism" of modern jazz that "the artists are having more fun than the listeners". Come on, that's so subjective and daft.

Is that surprising? I would always expect a filmmaker to think that, really. I mean, if you're making a film for the express purpose of being viewed on drugs, you're kind of setting yourself up for a fall.

Eh, I kind of feel the same way but not because I think Blade Runner 2 would end up being a CG-filled wankfest - though if it were, that would be freaking terrible. More just because I don't feel there's a need for this sequel.