
Caught the clip of Herr Starr from Comic-Con in the next episode before it got pulled and he looks like he's going to be a favorite of mine. I was a little nervous about this show coming back for a season as creative as the first but the weird tone and ideas are as inventive as before.

I thought Theon and his sister just snuck away with some loyalists and the strongest, fastest iron islands ships but Euron still had most of them just sitting around with the majority of the islands completely hard for him.

Re: the Sand Snakes: I see HBO has been getting my letters.

How can any character "be" a strictly female or male character? Gender is a social construct, it's like saying "that's awesome a black guy wouldn't mind dressing up as a white character like James Bond."

July 21, 2017

Next press secretary is gonna be Alex Jones no need to kid ourselves / hire a broad

I cayenne not believe his career is over already

In other more interesting news Sean Spicer is gone. RIP real life Mike McClintock.

"Told via Theon"

Well, it's David Benioff and Dan Weiss, and it's on HBO, so it's probably going to spend half of every episode in a Burger King Kids Club tier diverse bisexual brothel. Every female character who isn't a villain will be raped, then get revenge on their rapist three seasons later (gotta keep people watching).

The 14 Words: brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains brains

Boy would it be awkward to look at which races use the most benefits per capita

If Trump (or, lets be honest, Bannon) gets ruthless enough and steers the ship toward purging voter rolls and threatening not to certify ballots from states that refuse to submit information to the voter fraud investigation, he'll be a two term president and probably grab two more SCOTUS picks along the way. But

It had a lot of ideas that would have been really fun if the visual effects weren't so ass. A CGI exploding squib is a sad thing to see.

Yeah this was when it was "routine eye surgery" or whatever

"But…. his emails…"

He's done Plantation Owners, Confederate Generals and Nazis… what new cheap excuse will he find for this movie to use ethnic slurs and poorly established heroes and villains?

Then you start to question the media, the TV shows, the movies—

Coming up next: Bannon, wearing General Mad Anthony Wayne's hat, beats a buried neck-deep Jared Kushner's head in with a shovel on the beach.

He just looks like it