
You're glad someone got killed in the chaos though, right? Terry McAuliffe is. A counter protester killed by the right is worth more to your cause than an alive one, isn't it? Would you rather have her back alive and well, or keep her death as a political weapon to use against the far right?

Throwing acid and feces on peaceful protesters / inciting a car crash with baseball bats…. got a lot of images of that this weekend too

Just gonna leave out his (correct) point that Unite the Right had a permit and coordinated with local law enforcement while the counter protest did not, huh?

Fuck these people mashing up videos of the counter protestor running over his own people with the Drive soundtrack. I definitely don't find that funny.

Yeah the "punch a nazi" rhetoric just got the counter-protestors to fatally run each other over

"Doesn't that go against some random poem we use to dictate people's moral values & pretend is US policy?"

Referring to the Jack McBrayer one

Does a flattering photo of John Oliver exist?

If they're working up to that (which I actually think they are) we're going to have another Dexter finale on our hands

Rooting for Cersei because at this rate she's going to win handily (and also fuck the Sand Snakes). While Jon and Dany argue over a symbolic gesture she's outflanking her enemies and like "eh whatever you're winning this war for me boat guy I'll throw you a strategic marriage bone". If I were her I'd send out a test

A life without Trump jokes? You naive fool. Trump jokes ARE our life now!

Takes me back to talking to NPCs in Oblivion.

Richard Spencer being appointed to run US Department of Housing and Urban Development this Tuesday

Putting such a stereotypical Italian American in the public eye is the most racist thing Trump has done

Spouse out of the picture, nice. Worried we had a gender-swapped Kushner scenario on our hands.

Israel is a company now?

Last I checked he's up 3 points. Should probably schedule ahead just in case, I hear lobotomists have a long wait time.

As the vote yesterday demonstrated, giving John McCain the special boy war hero badge instead of politicizing his illness doesn't actually get him on your side.

Why do the Russians want chaos? To what specific end? Is Russia just the Joker in the form of a country to y'all?

> Deep seated, very valid concerns
> Jumping up and down on a bed shouting "Pee Pee Tapes"