
"She was a nazi I swear"

But god bless her, she went with it. Apparently she was "too smart" for us.

In the current political climate, DNC needs to fully embrace that they are the nonwhite party. Running old whites? Experience, charisma, policy doesn't matter. They're not representing their base and voters won't come out

To be less fair to FiveThirtyEight, everything along the way during the primaries was completely off base "99% chance Trump is finished" polls

I used to enjoy Tommy but he's too much of a scumbag nowadays. Really upset this interesting story is being ruined by the Francos and Seth for the sake of some shit comedy.

Ah yes, the honorable Elie Wiesel who condoned the mass rape of German women after the liberation of Buchenwald. What a loss.

Purpose of the Muslim Ban is to set legal precedent that the President can ban whoever.

Is there a way for both sides to lose so badly I never hear from either again?

This is not over!

Preacher was my pick for last year. Very scattered plot-wise but with creative direction, characters, and wacky ideas all melting beautifully together like some sort of spicy cheesy topping. As a huge fan of both Bryan Fuller and that one 30 second clip I stumbled on where Crispen Glover does a globalist capitalist

Nothing will ever top the Red Letter Media livestream where Jay Bauman aired the Ishtar trailer over and over at different speeds for 30 minutes, knowing people would think he was building up to something awesome. Little did they know, the Ishtar trailer WAS the awesome thing.

"I’d like to parasail into the Cannes Film Festival for The Emoji Movie because that’s the next new funny thing that will make people laugh."

His robot brain making him laugh hysterically at Sue's bad pun in "Alicia" to signal that he likes her is my favorite Kent moment.

They were secretly dating in season 3 (he brings Sue as his date to the Amy 4 Campaign Manager dinner) and it fell apart during the London visit in "Special Relationship" because Kent kept fucking with her schedule. There's a cut to Kent's stunned face in a later season when she reveals to the group she privately got

Weird that she'd feel the need to ditch the millionaire Muslim boyfriend after she's already been publicly dating him when she's whoring the other minority groups out. Token Muslim is the new Token Mexican.

Never forget the Dan Egan "Lion King DVD and two shots of ritalin" parenting strategy.

"I've heard them. They're good. I'm a bit of a fan now. I SHOULDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO THEY ARE!"

Thomas Middleditch consistently delivers on this show. Like in the very early season one episode I was saying "what an asshole" with admiration at his display as a scumbag tonight.

I find it hard to believe Roiland is in any way affected by trolls. Dan on the other hand…

I find it hard to enjoy Patton Oswalt's quality work because of his unfortunate twitter account.