
Dan I'm a fan of your work but fucking get over yourself.

GOP firmly established itself as the white party this election cycle. Libertarians who love weed and hate cops or republicans who love war and hate the poor (but definitely have black friends) aren't going to pull voters from the white vs nonwhite parties.

I love doing manspreading. The idea that anybody will do anything about it besides write a scene in a TV show where they stand up to people like me is laughable. As I often say when soliciting prostitutes: Look on my crotch ye mighty, and despair.

It's going to be revealed he's the person who wrote all those moonman songs

Hamlin Hamlin McGrill

Yeah. Definitely a fuckin' slanty article.

If you're Alec Baldwin you can make it happen. I know he once publicly declared his intent to murder you in a boxing ring.

Does he do a weekly show? Nightly? Is it on TV or is it streaming? I know he has the website where he sells male enhancement shit but in what capacity are people finding and watching infowars, outside of goofy clips on Youtube?

The video of him doing "HEY HEY HEY!" to cameramen outside the courtroom while being escorted by officers was… troubling.

Shakespeare was illiterate. He stole the credit for each play from Amelia Bassano. She died in poverty cause nobody would publish a black author.

You can just log out and see the tweets…

… on black people.

Rode a rollercoaster ride of emotions with this episode, as one of the biggest fans of the show. Initially was terror that this was going to be a celebration of the Flanderization Gary's character has been put through. But then the real emotional moments stood through in a big way (Gary's reaction to the

"White privilege" is as much a conspiracy as "white genocide". Two sides of the same coin.

#ComeyDay isn't going so hot for the intelligence community and its supporters

It's Kurt Eichenwald. Dude gave 3 grand to a child porn site for "research" then lost the memory due to a completely real seizure that he really had. Of course its gonna be pedo shit.

* at all

I'm sure this will turn out how everyone is hoping. I haven't seen a President so screwed since that time they proved Obama was born in Kenya.

Counterpoint: Weird Al

Tariq Nasheed had a real fucking hot take on this trial that made me wonder why so many people like him.