
It would be some soul crushing sadness on par with the Party Down high school reunion

He's not racist! He watches a ton of interracial porn!

I wonder who is going to become a Nazi symbol next? Chester "The Dust Of Holocaust Victims Sticks to Your Fingers" Cheetah, or Captain Crunch the Bones of Refugees?

Pretty sure the alternate reality TV season 1 episode was a fluke, saved by Harmon's sentimentality, while the second one was a shitfest because Harmon was getting divorced at the time. The two need to reign each other in, not indulge drunk banter because talented underpaid people will come by later to animate it

It's hard to not consider it as hysteria when this very site runs one news article a day comparing current events to the show, about how destruction of literature and government sanctioned lynching of lesbians is but days away.

Wow how did they make double dash better all these years later?!

People like him and Tomi Lahren will change their angle or go away when the money stops rolling in. I'm just surprised the money is still rolling in.

Hey! That Binging With Babish guy seems alright! Lets give him a few months before he comes out as a Nazi like the rest of them.

What about that Canadian guy? Steven "Send the Jewish Cultural Center a Packet of White Powder" Crowder?

Guess I have to take the fork out of this one, cause I was all but certain he was done.

Cause it was one of his own people who did it as a publicity stunt

Would that be the "ok" hand gesture? The three extended fingers forming a W and the index and thumb forming the P? Fucking nazis. I also heard he gave the "thumbs up" in public, which is meant to promote the 14 words (1 thumb, 4 fingers, 14 words)

"Come come Mr. Bond, you derive as much pleasure from racially insensitive jokes as I do."

I think the question at this point isn't if it will ever air but if it should ever air

We also have a variety of racially insensitive podcasts.

- Bryan Fuller at the American Gods wrap party

Of course #NotAllJournalistsAreLikeThat but most are. Mainly fuck all the publications that learned nothing from the previous year and are using the rise of Trump as a marketing strategy, not making an effort to honestly report. See the "Trump on nuclear war" headlines today for a fresh batch of out of context

President Spencer?

All he knows is the latter just got added to the list.

I know we hate Trump, but can we please stop this pointless crusade to make journalists not seem like scumbags?