
I think the actual WHCD not being a real WHCD this year sort of took the air out of this. Can't blame them though, this was definitely pitched before Trump walked.

She's up agaisnt some real heavy hitters, between Trevor "overpaid speaking events are awesome if you're black" Noah and John Oliver's Last Week in Wow Just Wow.

It's oddly comforting to see Trump is basically just McCain or Romney. You fuckers had me on edge for like a year that he would actually shake shit up but nope. Just a big fan of Israel who wants to prove he's not racist to people who hate him and will never buy it. It's weird people are still flipping out about him

The most damaging Infowars evidence against him was his claim that he had sex with 150 women by age 16 and that kind of rampant sexual behavior makes him a bad influence.

"America first no more wars for Israel"

Weird. Dictating forgein policy based on what makes your daughter cry sounds pretty straightforward.

Is the latter Richard Spencer? Cause Milo's career is dead in the water.

The greatest political musician is Lars Ulrich. That ten minute "Lars Ulrich on Democracy" video is some amazing insight.

The payoff for driving in heavy traffic:

He's doing a Forrest MacNeil

I loved his freakout in the limo. Worried about his character though, great performance as always but they're writing some real crap gags for him this season already. That carrying the dress tail "bit" was awful.

After a bit of a tame premiere, I was relieved to see this episode have some truly vicious lines, especially from Selina. Also the cast scrambling together frantically asking "how out there is it? It's really out there?" is a fun throwback to season 1, the days when the public scandals really only mattered to Selina

I love that the server's bathroom in the basement looks like the exact same size, design, and lighting as the one in Raviga's office, like it was scientifically designed to torture someone.

Ever since Trump got elected every other week has had a national day nobody ever knew or cared about as a pretense to take to the streets. I'd be worried it was actually helping Trump in the way hippies helped Nixon if it wasn't for Trump being incompetent to such a degree that even the all trite hates him now. If I

Watching Veep with no Silicon Valley just didn't feel right last week. Can't wait for this!

Fox turned into a Tucker Carlson vlog channel so gradually, I barely even noticed!

It was very "Nucky Thompson's muddy footprints"

"We ask for sole custody"
"On what grounds?"
"In recent weeks, Mr. Jones had a drug induced psychotic episode while supervising his son's camping trip. He took money from the boy's college fund to purchase a $4000 sex doll. He attended prom as the date of a 17 year girl and overdosed on cocaine at said prom. He is an

Me, personally? I loved it.

If Mel Gibson wants to be forgiven by the public, all he really needs to do is murder someone with a car like Caitlyn Jenner or Matthew Broderick.