
Don't swallow a cue ball

Gus, Victor, Francesca and Pollos all had me basically recreating the opening of RedLetterMedia's Rogue One review. Except I was sincerely that enthusiastic.

I just imagine it as Cane's Chicken but with Salsa and apparently coffee. They're pretty damn close to those prices now and just as beloved!

Just call them Republicans.

If this is surprising people then I really don't know how they're going to take it when they find out wrestling is fake

This show really knows how to turn my frown into… the inverse of a frown.

I think you're confusing "the alt right" with "white people who don't completely hate themselves".

Time to re-cork the champagne cause I thought today was the day that shit ended forever

Is Survivor live? I haven't watched it so I don't know but… this outing could have stayed on the island and been left on the cutting room floor, right? Kind of a dick move to air it.

Epic Movie when I was still a youngin', who loved Naked Gun and Hot Shots and thought I was about to get some more of that utter perfection

DON'T TEMPT FATE! Every time the AV Club runs an article like this, thinking one of these fuckers is out, the exact reverse opposite happens the next day! Look at the "laughing at Trump tower" article!

The alt right is celebrating Fearless Girl as a symbol of opposition to bankers, who are to them all Jews.

Tomorrow: Binging With Babish - "How To Make Jason Segel Photo"

How could he nazi this coming?!

You're right, my bad. Those who do not study history that was a repeat of history are doomed to repeat the repeat of history.

Maybe you'll have the chance to go to the prom with a date who is not a social outcast with an undiagnosed mood disorder, and you will have the night of your life. But few people are ever that lucky, and it is NOT worth the risk.

Mistletoe for eatey taste good?

Twitter. I've never seen so many people jump ship. It's honestly 10x worse for him than the rape allegations. People who were fervent supporters are calling for impeachment tonight cause this was their single issue vote.

Running a campaign of "I don't support regime removal and my opponent does" then trying to do a regime removal without the support a massive terror attack creates does not a two term politician make. I've heard people joke about Trumpgrets but this is the first time I've seen it with my own eyes.

So here I am. I'm sitting here and I'm like "at least Trump doesn't want to do Iraq War #2". And then he goes and does it. At least he killed the possibility of term 2 good and well tonight.