
Why did Jenner do this ad? Lets just say it moved her…. TO A BIGGER HOUSE!

I'm fine with "electrocution" going the way of "literally".

We also get a whole lot of "masterful" here

Redlettermedia came through in a big way. Rich Evans kept his Mass Effect promise.

Wait… if the Jews were in camps, then who was producing the films?

Are people still mad because he called out the clock boy?

My favorite show of last year! I think it might be the only serialized drama I watched in 2016 that is still trying to be interesting and creative instead of fill an episode quota and disappear up its own anus.

Pretty sure every person I met who said they were voting for Gary Johnson voted for Trump and just didn't want the hassle admitting it causes.


Late second entry: the Mayor from Slither.

Maybe I'll give it to you. Call you up late at night. And you can listen to me shit on people.

"You know, you're like a piece of art. I'd like to nail you up against a wall.

Veep is coming, baby. Fasten your seatbelts and open up your Jonad Files.

Ontario Milk Lobby is taking a stand against the emerging racist ideology known as Milk Nationalism.

I think you mean "Gershlecktsverkehr Der Schmerz Entfernt"

Roger Furlong from Veep

I was expecting Lucille to end it with "You're the biggest jag-off I've ever worked for, and I hope this place burns to the ground with you in it because that's exactly what you deserve, you nickel-and-dime chickenshit motherfucker! You call yourself a reviewer?! You couldn't review a ham sandwich!"

Fuck NASA. Just a pit that Trump wants to throw money into. Space exploration is fruitless, it's white people fucking jerking off to themselves. We need to send that money to the impoverished underclass. It'll work this time.

I'm not a Trump fan, but I DO want a white ethnostate and… best option

I have a theory that the only places that actually exist are Arizona and California. That's the only places I've been. Once I took a "plane" to "Oregon" but what really happened? I got in a tube in California that moved around a bit and when I got out they told me it was Oregon.