
hahaha it's down already


Uhhh "bottles"? I think you meant "human shit"

Give it 48 hours. Then the flag joins SpaceX next.

Kurt Eichenwald? Is that you?

"We’re only three months into Donald Trump’s presidency and it’s already cliché to frame TV and film criticism within the framework of 'Trump’s America.'"

Best possible movie ever maybe

The "Trump Tax Returns = Trump Goes Away Forever" is such a holy grail though, she knew what she was doing with that tweet. Imagine Tucker Carlson in 2015 tweeting "We have Obama's birth certificate and will reveal it in one hour (yes, it's real)", then it's 20 minutes about his American birth certificate, then

It's definitely the first reason you listed. Legally dodging taxes plays well with republicans, they're very "THE FINGER THING MEANS IT'S THE TAXES"

DIAMOND JOE! I'll be honest the Mike "Putting the amp in straight camp" Pence memes are pretty spicy too.

Pussygate dropped before the second debate and not after when it could do more damage by giving him less of a platform to respond. So make of that what you will.

Basically the last year in a tweet I'm paraphrasing:


The best comedy cast assembled. I'm used to Veep trailers cherry picking the lamest jokes of the season and completely underselling the show but damn it, this one had me cracking up. To quote Ben Cafferty… that just kind of made the whole year worth it.

The difference is I imagine Veep will address current politics with Jonah as Trump and Selina as Hillary in a clever, inexplicit way that reflects the attitudes of the parties without trying to address actual current events all that much, while House of Cards will introduce a villain named Monald Mump who has been

The ice bucket challenge really raised awareness for whatever ALS is.

I don't know, that one dude with a stick was so tasty in a fight that the cops had to stop him cause the mob couldn't

The AV Club knows that if a piece isn't politicized, the comments will make it happen.

Okie doke

Just watch Terriers instead. I mean… Gillian Jacobs isn't in it, but at least it's a show that is exciting and good.