
You should have held onto it. Moon Man shit moves on ebay. I'm hanging on to all my childhood toys in the hopes they become ironic neo-Nazi purchases.

Taft, you fuck! You bought your clothes at the Portly Gentleman's Used Clothing Store! I know because I SOLD IT TO YOU!

The GOP is like Arnold Terminator. "Trump republicans" and the alt-right are like the liquid terminator.

*Looks at name of the state I'm in*
"Even worse"

What ever happened with Ivanka Trump's clothing line?

The government did wiretap Trump in October but it was legal

Some guy at the CIA has been watching Donald Trump masturbate and that's his job

what about the dude spilling the CIA's spaghetti all over the place

Yeah I keep going to it for some reason.

The pope is really just opposite Hitler. A tool to be propped up by either side as the ultimate moral lighthouse. Even though everything both says is just… completely all over the map and retarded.

Fuck off Nazi scum

Trump making the newswires run all day on a Saturday, the bastard!

We all just want a leader who can make the trains run on time.

No you can't watch it! You won't enjoy it on as many levels as I do

We were able to make it to the moon! (but only because of three sassy black ladies we fought against at every turn)

Gervais's Hot Ones was also immeditely about Trump. Fuck the white house, President Wario is moving into people's heads.

Donald Trump in: BENGHAZI 2

Can we get back to the real issues? Where Kellyanne puts her feet?

Detroit broke for Trump?

Brian Fuller is no longer attached. Might as well launch it into the trash can.