

Boardwalk Empire had an entire era of cheery unheard music to ironically juxtapose with something tragic. They win the battle for best closing songs, but with a grossly unfair advantage.

Yup. And even in the episodes where they had someone sub in for Karl, all of the XFM radio shows are incredible. Minus the episode where they try to force Karl to break the world record for most grapes eaten in a minute.

2013 - Too Soon

Surprisingly, a campaign to become the President of the United States.

The Dissolve would have won

Rocket Jump: The Shoah

I give it two hours until someone from the alt-right shows up with a Pepe flag

Well, at least she didn't leave her career in DC poor. I mean, nobody in politics really does, but the Clintons took it to a whole new level.

Implying Hillary Clinton doesn't have obvious contempt for every man, woman and child on the planet

Had to do a triple take to figure out if the word Trump is actually banned on this site. Just say Drumpf, I mean it's really embarrassing for you but it's still less embarrassing than that.

Metallica are pathetic millionaires who still actively shoot down ten year olds who try to put a cover of their guitar solos online for fun.

You spelled "kidnapping and torturing a mentally handicapped person and making him drink toilet water" wrong

The trick is to get the right color shoe polish!

Bannon already got what he wants. Trump sets the agenda then sits around tweeting, smug in his victory, while Bannon has his fun enacting it.

Mexico doesn't have nukes.

Apparently not on their marketing. Yet another huge voice in the Trump "resistance" that seems to get off on looking like an utter, utter coward.
*gestures to the ad on the right hand side of my screen*

I have no one to blame but myself for not reading the article before commenting. Not that I'll ever stop.

Men with ven

Knowing the absolute shit Stephen Merchant's agent puts him into on a regular basis, I can't imagine this is going to be good. Fire your agent!