
fortunately AV Club was here to blast my eardrums open with a shitty autoplay ad and take me immediately out of everything and back into the world of being annoyed.

At least he got to fall in love with, lose the love of, fight for the love of, lose the fight but still protect and care for, finally get engaged to (again), marry, and then at long last bang Jane the Virgin.

Sweden is trying for it? I thought Trump already banned Muslim countries?

About as easy as it was for Clinton, I'd wager.

Enjoying a standoff bowl at Trump tower. I love Mexicans!

Like with a cloth or something?

Mad Vlad the Impaling Lad?

Never pick a fight with Putin. Uncle Vlad don't play by your rules.

It's so weird that dril is the press secretary

Is that Richard T Splett (middle name John) I see? Hope I get to see his star rise in the same way Tony Hale's has where he continues to be a regular on a steady stream of solid shows.

Donald Trump is a part of everything. He is in the sky and sea. He is in the dreams of children at night. He is all that there is, forever.

Pence had bigger plans for the Hamilton night, but they took his taser off him when he got to NYC

Welcome to Tiny Train World, idiot

We need all the devestating "Drumpf has small hands" satire we can get. Absolutely devestating stuff.

We both made shells for the Nazis, but mine worked damn it!

He should have just posted an instagram photo of himself drinking malt liquor on a porch with the caption "I love black people"

Ben Carson History Month

The Left: Literally pissing in the streets
The Right: We have just repealed the New Deal

It's really more of a rectangle known as a trackpad.

But what does this have to do with Donald Trump?