NathanFords EvilTwin

Yeah, for real. It's tragic that TV is so overstuffed these years, three truly unique and awesome shows like those can be completely overlooked. Sure, too much TV is a great problem to have, but IMO none of those should be considered less worthy than the crazily uneven Flash.

Can FX just greenlight Wynn Wynn Situation already?

It feels like a solidly predictable take on what the good TV of the year was, but nothing wrong with that. We're in a good age where Review and BoJack Horseman are bigger than the cult hits they'd be in past years.

Unranking cowards the lot of you! I appreciate your appreciation of Playing House and Strange & Norrell, not enough people are talking about them!

Guess who's back from the dead just to show y'all what real great taste looks like, check it. BIG SPOILERS in some of the attached clips!

This is your curse in life

Probably really high on only a couple, like Steven Universe and Looking.

It made my top 10, best season in years, contender for best since the reboot.

Especially aggravating cause Netflix promised they'd release the whole season the day after the finale. AMC must have stepped in behind the scenes for some reason.

Testing 1, 2, 3

Thank goodness there's Captain Marvel coming u-delayed again?! God dammit!

Ray Ford as Luke Cage would be let's go with an interesting and bold choice.

Goddamn this is one sexy show, goddamn

I hope it's campy, my biggest problem with Daredevil and early SHIELD is that they weren't nearly campy enough. It's a superhero show! Be ridiculous!

Not yet.

Cause it got me upvotes

The way it works is you make everyone cancel their $100 cable bill for 12 ~$10 streaming services, yes this is a good plan that everyone will go for.

RIP Mission Control, the greatest show that never was.

We love comedy! We love it so much we strangled each of our new comedies with network notes till they died from sheer blandness, then shipped all our interesting shows to an obscure online service!

Probably, until this fails