NathanFords EvilTwin

Close, but not big enough IMO. Those Power Ranger fuckers didn't have huaman faces either.

Another good call.

Good call on Drathro, but the rest are too small. I guess the Sycorax et al look like the main villains who'd have to have more restrained prosthetics since they appear in every episode, but the monster of the week tend to be these looming 9 ft, puppet assisted monstrosities like the Fisher King. And since that's the

No pressure, you comment often enough that I know you've been reading.

Bach has PLENTY of music people would recognize by ear, let's not be crazy

Well I feel dumb, sorry dude.

UPDATE: Behind the scenes stuff seems to imply it was an actual abandoned military base they filmed this at, making it EXTRA COOL.

Oh speaking of the VNAs, I actually started reading them now, check in to the TI thread if you want to see me lose my mind after reading Timewyrm: Genesys

Cause those are a couple thousand people out of an audience of several millions, and as one the millions outside this dialog I don't really give a shit about it.

Give me more specific examples of something that looks like him and I'll see where you're coming from, but as far as I can recall most villains are humanoid (Cybermen, Sycorax, Sontarans, Silurians, etc.) or mechanical/blobby monstrosities (Daleks, Rutans, etc.) The Wirrin and Morbius are the only things I remember

Once I see it in front of me I have to completely agree with you

This has been my thought since the opening story, New Who is really going back to its roots. It's for the better so far, let's hope it never becomes for worse.


I've never heard this before but I love it so much cause it's so true.

Christ that's confusing.


From the perspective of the layman whose complaints your complaining about, this is a show from 2005 (or 2010 even, if they started with Smith).

Pretty much in agreement with all of this, this is season filler and nothing more.

I suppose that's very true.