NathanFords EvilTwin

The gray color, the flashing lights, the offputting non mammalian design, the puppetry assisted head, all of this is more Power Rangers-y than the Daleks, Cybermen, Ice Warriors, etc. Maybe Who has had villains who look like that in the Classic series, but pretty much every PR villain looks like the Fisher King, hence

I believe she could have done it, I'm challenging the above commenter's claim that they could have caught it earlier.

Oh. Well then why would I know about that?

Yeah, that's fair. I guess I take the longview with this, with even just a year's difference these will feel like two inseparable halves of a whole story and we'll have already forgotten how frustrating the 7 day wait to finish it was.

I did not discuss this subject in a Sleepy Hollow thread.

Nope, just cool background.

Though if you're tempted, next week's story is supposedly a complete story with the week after acting more as a sequel than a second half.

I haven't been in a Sleepy Hollow thread in over a year, so you're mistaking me for someone else.

I don't really consider savvy casting he was responsible for "lucking out"

Serious now: Have Simon A. Forward bring the Galyari to TV please, they're so great. Or how about the Viyrans!

Everyone who's been in a coma since 2010

To paint with an incredibly broad stroke, Moffat's biggest weakness is he overthinks and second guesses too much, while RTD didn't think things through enough. The one advantage is Moffat's overthinking about what his fans want has lead him to eventually stumble in the right direction.

RTD was terrible with the arcs he did attempt too, Martha's character development made no goddamn sense. See also: Donna being randomly screwed over for no naturally developed reason.

No more convoluted subplots involving companions' kids please.

Britain only has 20 actors, all using a variety of aliases and a very extensive make up kit.

I mean you could just wait two weeks and watch both parts back to back like I did with this story, which was very cool and I really recommend it! But that would require self-restraint or something and we all know that's sooooo difficult.

What if she's Zagreus?

I'd really like to test this BS claim somehow.

A lot, yeah, but most shows tend to follow a predictable arc of reaching a peak after a season or two of warmup followed by a slow decline, all still staying within a fairly narrow range of what to expect. This show followed up "The Satan Pit" with "Love & Monsters".

I'm as shocked as Captain Renault was to find gambling in that casino.