NathanFords EvilTwin

See, you figured it out.

Stealing sets and costumes is a time honored Doctor Who tradition.

It's fair to want something to be good. I totally get where the complainers are coming from, I feel like a lot of people get suckered into this show with stories like "Blink" or "The Eleventh Hour" and then slowly come to the awful realization that actually brilliant hours like those are more rarities. I'll be the

Holy shit, I bet you're right. If this is true, all my confusion will instantly turn around into respect.

It was so obvious!

Speaking of the Valeyard, I feel like it's a matter of time before someone makes it official that the Doctor created him during the thousand year war on Trenzalore. Play it literally and Smith is the twelfth AND final* incarnation of the Doctor, and that'd be the one situation where trying to extend his lifespan would

I'd give it a B overall, great ideas and characters set up but the story played out disappointingly predictably from there.

Why even bother wasting the time and money to set that up if it didn't figure into the story at all?

But who's Fenric?

Though this theory will be put to the test when she returns wearing a rainbow coat.

The Other!!

Haha yeah, O'Donnell's ghost showing up so late is a pretty big plot hole they never plugged up.

Speaking of Douglas Adams, Whithouse missed a great chance to shoutout to Dirk Gently by not using Bach as the example.

I'd love to see the Tivoli planet sometime, maybe a story that spans centuries and several different occupations.

Yeah, it was a bit of a comedown after that stellar first half. As Alasdair mentioned, Doctor Who has covered the Bootstrap Paradox pretty extensively, with "Blink" being the insurmountable highlight (give or take if you want to count "Jubilee" in this territory too). And Whithouse's take on the style of story was

Something something Steven Moffat's deep seated issues.

Well you're right on there being a crossover with a heavy metal band, the Fisher King's scream was provided by Slipknot's vocalist Corey Taylor. Probably because the staff knew it would make the perfect kind of weirdly specific trivia insecure weirdos like me point out so I can feel knowledgeable and important.

Yeah, I was pretty tense, which is an accomplishment for this show since I was pretty convinced she was going to live.

No, it's obvious Minister of War means the War Lord

He looked like a Power Rangers villain, but like a really high end Power Rangers villain.