NathanFords EvilTwin

Given how lackluster and aimless this season of Veep has been now that it doesn't know what to do with Selina out of office, I have no idea why they want to keep going. Well besides money, obviously.

Don't count out Rafael Solano, guy is ripped

This has been Edna Mode's plan all along.

"But Black Lightning, I sell drugs to the community!"

The real question is which ones would be able to salmon ladder?

If not Sarah Dollard, then Mathieson is who I want to see take the showrunner chair after Chibnall. He gets the world and the character very right, plus seems to have great ideas how to expand the Whoniverse

I feel the same, but I think we might be spoiled from season 9. Compare this consistently alright year to crazy, all over the place seasons like 2 or 7 and I'll take consistently alright any day. Hopefully Harness or Munro can give us a homerun before the season closes though.

I don't know what we did to deserve another reliably solid season of Doctor Who, maybe suffer through a long hiatus punctuated by two pretty blah Chirstmas specials, but I like it. It's nice to not dread this show anymore. Hopefully this is a feeling that continues into the Chibnall era.

She was doing janitorial duties right? Was I imagining her having a mop?

A term invented by two trans women becoming the slogan of the MRA is one of the greatest ironies of life

More shows should have scenes where the main characters, once they have the villain cornered, just laugh at them and drink to their misery. So cathartic, and that was just the first scene, and it kept getting better.

Legendary talent in all corners

This show is so emotionally open and raw it's hard not to get 100% invested.

Given by the end of season 1 my expectations were set at "the greatest work of art TV has produced" good to know it'll keep hitting that absurd level.

Not seamless, but not worse at all.

I love how many of the sensates have these great people looking out for them. There's also Lito's super supportive boyfriend and former beard, Wolfgang and Capheus' besties, Kala's family. Only poor Sun has no lasting connections around her, at least she has those nice cell mates, and of course her new psychic family.

"We're coming for you"
Between that and Kim's "bingo" on Better Call Saul it's a great week for protagonists giving me chills down my spine as they reassert themselves.

Yes, and it's also an amazing episode. The birthday montage, my God

This show is still a master class in editing. Sure you got those flashy montage scenes, but even something as simple as Kala walking through a door in India and seamlessly emerging in Amsterdam takes my breath away. The concept of sensates allows for so many fun cinematic tricks.

First Castlevania, now Mega Man, what other hot video game properties are gonna capture the youths? Metroid? Pac-Man? Ultima?