NathanFords EvilTwin

Ah, the Star Wars Paradox

Even with a week delay, this season of Samurai Jack is still one of the most regular western animation seasons that ever aired. Being a fan of this stuff is suffering.

It's so rare to have a show tell us a character is smart and then back that up by having the writing be just as smart. Bless this show.

This sounds like a too good to be true scenario, only for the bottom to fall out in some horrifying way.

Post-credits scene had a Cronenberg Rick and Morty fleeing to the Cronenberg'd verse from a universe where they turned everyone even stranger.

Let's just all be very happy at the state of sci-fi on TV right now. Let's fuckin' bask in it.

It's definitely pants.

Hahaha awesome. Up there with the small crossover the two shows had a few years ago.

But with that avatar you more than anyone should know it's only the second best sci-fi shit on TV.

And exclusive. Rick loves control, it must drive him insane that he can't get something he wants again.

I'm a little bummed we won't get to see more of Federation controlled Earth, but I guess wanting that is wanting a different show altogether (i.e. wanting Futurama back).

Yeah, it's competent

Buffy had procedural elements in its "monster of the week" to help it out, but good call on Farscape, which kept loose but still worked.

Oh FUCK yes, I've been meaning to listen to that and totally forgot he starred in it.

Love my boy Adrian Crazypants

I'd say Agents of SHIELD does it kind of less badly than its peers, but sure

We got some great things out of the strike too, as creators were pushed to find new modes of working. Like Dr. Horrible, for example.

But at this point the filler episodes are the only good ones