NathanFords EvilTwin

Sounds like someone's never seen Little Shop of Horrors.

I was thinking it was the moon actually, maybe cause Doctor Who did that last year.

He said the thing!

Love that sketch tbh.

Pretty sure he's too busy being enrolled in Murder College, getting a minor study in Weird Oedipal Tension With Viola Davis.

Just watch Children of Earth by itself, it's self contained anyways. I was more speaking in like a karmic balance kinda way.

Doctor Why Not?

He tried and failed, which could mean anything really.

That's why it's a series finale.

He's still alive dammit! Give us the nostalgia bait return before it's too late!


*everyone but Nathan Ford's Evil Twin

Can't imagine him spending more time on this than RTD did on Torchwood, which was more Chibnall's sandbox when it was running concurrent with Who.

Yeah, and the three crap seasons were worth it to give us that one amazing season.

Dr. A-Aron

Really exciting premise!


I always thought Peridot was sent out before Lapis was captured, and that all took place between Marble Madness and The Message. Peridot sure seemed surprised to see them in the former episode.

I'd like to think that she's been redeemed enough to not do that.