NathanFords EvilTwin

I'd hope SU would be above something so obvious.

Oh man, I had this idea a few days ago that the Gems would fight whatever hatched from the cluster by fusing with each other, Lapis, Peridot, and all the monster gems they could rehabilitate into a planet sized Gem, and it would be a mech style battle on a Gurren Lagann scale.

Change chillin' to crankily stewing and I can see it.

Haven't they implied Steven can only fuse with humans? I suppose it's ambiguous enough it could go either way. If he can fuse with Peridot, the whole holding hands bit was definitely laying the groundwork.

Oh for sure. In terms of plot hole solutions future vision feels a few notches more dramatically satisfying than a sonic screwdriver or ejecting the warp core.

I suppose that's one way of looking at it, but then I wouldn't be too concerned about a day trip to Gettysburg, I don't see why Homeworld would think there would be any activity on the planet when the war happened millenia ago. And the most dangerous creatures there at the time were cavemen, reasonable to thing a set

This is probably a little ways out, but I can't wait to see how the show handles Peridot needing to (wanting to?) fuse with the Crystal Gems. It's a topic that has a lot of exploration potential.

I mean they did give her power armor. Obviously she's low down on the food chain, but this wasn't a suicide mission.

Yeah, I can't stop wondering what her gem power is. We'll probably find out at an even more dramatic, desperate time.

It just struck me how Future Vision is like, the ultimate plot hole filler.
"How did you know that thing?"
"Future vision!"
"How did you not know that thing?"
"Look, future can be some complicated shit."

I thought that too, before experiencing Sense8, though I still recognize it as an important step in the evolution of our species.

No judgement, it's a tricky word!


Yeah, for a network pilot the characters were already showing a fantastic number of layers.

It's so good. You can start with this season too if you want, which has been back to back As for me so far. Of course, season 1 is still really good with a batting average in the B+/A- range.

*lantern spins around*
There is no A+ in AV Club Se

I actually adored the babysitting montage because, and this is gonna sound crazy, there weren't any jokes! It was just Stamos acting cute with a baby, no layer of snark or insincerity protecting us. And it really did get me completely on board with the character, just this unfiltered look at his soft and empathetic

Yeah, that's dialed back to what I would completely agree with. Sorry, it's just when people start talking for other people like "why WOULDN'T so and so want that??" is when I get a little jumpy.

You should check out Another Period and Thrilling Adventure Hour ASAP. Grandfathered also isn't bad in that cheesy network sitcom kinda way.