NathanFords EvilTwin

I can't think of many well written comedy pilots I've seen, and the ones that exist tend to on cable, where the writers have tons of lead time to plan out their seasons and flesh out the characters beforehand and also not have to deal with network notes. That cheesy sequence of Stamos running the baby to the hospital?

This might be an out there comparison, but the OK joke writing being elevated by a killer cast, fast pace, and easygoing happy nature reminded me of Ben and Kate, a show I really miss. So I'll stick with it.

And every bit is worth it. Harris really batted 1.000 here.

Thank goodness I have this.

That was definitely a running gag. I think she meant more the cinematography, which just had these LOVELY colors and framing. Which is even more impressive given their tight time schedule.

Just cause you think "Smith" is an upgrade over "Boguslawski" doesn't mean everyone would, and doesn't really help your argument coming at it from that way, speaking from the Boguslawski side of the the equation.

I'm sure glad you can speak for every woman on the planet.

Ehhhhhhhh. It started cool but ran out of steam quick.

By episode 9, but yeah, same idea. They reached the "end" of the season halfway through.

Because I choose to, for fun.

Though I haven't seen this episode yet, I do wanna say I'm actually looking forward to this season. Beyond just the hook, I thought season 4B was really solid all around. It was the first time the show actually tried to tread into morally gray areas, bringing some much needed shading to characters like Regina and

Though that's been refuted in canon by now, fun to know baseless speculation has been rampant throughout Who history.

Can I say Brian Milchin? No? Ok, that is a very good point, Moffat is a brilliant producer and casting agent. I'll still say that the talent saved the script rather than the script serving the talent, but the digs were unnecessary.

I'd still say there's an X-factor Coleman and the character of Clara has that Gillian and Amy didn't, but we're splitting hairs between an A and A- at this point.

You mean the MEDDLING Monk, turn in your keyboard and nerd cred on my desk.

That was his intention yes, but it didn't work. But he did drop a mention of a prophecy that one would be created somehow, and knowing Moffat this will probably come back around later.

It's appropriate though. Only thing really separating Coleman from Gillian and Kingston is less insulting plot lines, a more expressive face, and more varied line deliveries. (Though I'd say Gillian could bring more pathos to her lines but now we're getting technical)

Close! It's the Violin of Rassilon.

Yeah, her arc became an arc for her own development rather than an arc for the Doctor.

He's half human on his mother's side….and half Dalek on his father's side! Twissssst!