NathanFords EvilTwin


So you're problem with Doctor Who is that it's Doctor Who? I have a tiny violin for occasions like this.

It's the same planet. Just mentally replace "rebuilt Skaro" with "rebuilt Skaro's cities and infrastructure" and it makes more sense. We saw the post-Hand, bombed out Skaro at the very beginning of Asylum of the Daleks, I just assume the sewers survived like the few buildings we saw then.

Not consistently at all, but he definitely nails it in this episode, and is good at honing in on truths to the character like that. On the other hand, "the Doctor always lies" is some real crap I'm glad he's cut out.

It IS pretty great.

We'd all do the same in his position.

Well there was a big deal made about a Dalek/Time Lord hybrid, Missy was stuck with Daleks in the end, there's rumors Williams' character returns later…oh my God.

I hate hate hate that the solution to getting out of the Dalek was so simple, just thinking a word she should have already been thinking, it makes her look like an idiot. At least make it so the Doctor had to do something sonic or something.

Those toys didn't sell so well, so look out for some retro Dalek figures!

Love story of the century.

Valar Morghulis, all men must be EXTERMINATED

I think the current average of him showing up every four or five years is a good one. He's a fascinating character, but does have a more limited range than the Daleks in terms of stories that can be told.

I've heard about that story in passing, but learning the Valeyard is the villain is one of those surprising but on a deeper level not surprising at all things. OF COURSE Big Finish would bring him back.

You guessed it: an old Saturday Night Live joke that recently and inexplicably found new life as an AV Club meme.


We still haven't had that Doctor/Master sex scene though.

I'm gonna bang my head against a wall now until I forget about that mess again.

Quick! Let's theorize which previously existing character might be the hypothetical Dalek/Time Lord hybrid (obviously to be revealed in the finale, thus explaining their backstory). The Master is too obvious, and Clara would be both too easy and just awful. The Valeyard would actually make a lot of sense, but no one

Favorite for me since….okay Mummy on the Orient Express. But besides that and Kill the Moon there hasn't been an episode I loved this much since The Girl Who Waited, and this is the best Moffat penned episode for me since A Christmas Carol. Good job Moffat! Even though between you, MacDonald, Capaldi, Coleman, Gomez,

I was thinking that the whole time, how I wanted Davros to die, how I wanted the show to defy all expectations with the character, with how it operates, and truly stun. But then the timing with which he revealed his plan, the laugh he did, the monologuing, and the way it INSTANTLY blew up in his damn face (with zero