NathanFords EvilTwin

I'd put Clara in spitting distance, but that Impossible Girl crap is too much of a millstone around her neck. Also most of the reasons I lover her come from Coleman's portrayal rather than anything on the writing side. I wonder if she can work her way up to classic status if/when she's put in the hands of other

Michelle Gomez has absolutely owned this role, her incarnation of the Master is one of my favorite things I've seen across the entire near 52 year history. Everything she does is such a delight, she gets all the fun bits of being a wackadoo, pantomime villain, yet somehow can still completely sell herself as a

*finger guns*

Oh noooooo :(

Exactly, and great metaphor. I get it's part of the culture, but there are just way more interesting and effective ways to say the same thing.

I was just being snarky, though this prompted me to look at the rest of the titles and dang are there two big ones right in there. Be warned if you haven't read them yet.

Love her ever since Shelby Rabara started talking, what a hilariously prickish voice.

Thank you. I didn't mean to offend.

I know it's a hyperbole, but it's a condescending hyperbole! That I really wished people on this site stopped using!

Oh man, that'd be a great new angle for them to explore. Really bust up all those social myths around virginity.

No one can live up to my expectations. I'd like to think that's because I have such a high opinion of humanity lol. But don't think I'd ever hold it against you, I know you're a great guy here and enjoy like every one of your other comments I've seen. I honestly thought you'd take it as a ribbing/gentle correction

I'm not angry just disappointed. And maybe a little cranky.

Yeah, but then you can just praise it. Saying it deserve a better grade comes loaded with condescension to the reviewer for doing a "bad job", and also has this kind of self-aggrandizing aspect of trying to make yourself look like the better fan which is annoying. Yeah, I love this show too, yeah I loved this episode

Ah true. I should have picked literally every other review on this site where there's an annoying comment like this, but Steven Universe is pure.

Only if you get it wet and twist it!

This is two perfect gifable moments from episodes a row, love you SU.

Hey now, any opinion you give three paragraphs of solid justification for isn't shitty. In fact it's an opinion I share! I don't feel as bad about this because the dramatic stakes were never a draw for me, but it's a very good point. It can be boring knowing everything in this show is gonna ultimately turn out alright.

Favorite moment of an episode with a lot of great moments was Steven giving Peridot back the leg. He's such a nice boy!

I was laughing so hard when I realized that the episode's description was a giant vague smokescreen cause we launched into the Peridot one instantly.

Their fight was so cute and childish. Like a playground fight. Such a far cry from how intimidating Peridot was when introduced.