NathanFords EvilTwin

So should the Doctor and Clara start stuttering like all people do when they talk? Should we watch them eat and go to the bathroom? There's realism, and then there's story decisions I find boring. Emphasis on "I", this is my opinion, I don't care if you disagree, I just don't like you implying that I'm wrong for

Well it's a correct assumption, and yeah, I get annoyed when the Classic series does that too. Ah well.

It doesn't say "season review" anywhere in this whole goddamn article, I have no idea why it's so hard for people on this site to know what a pre-air review is, of course they can't review the whole season before the show starts they haven't finished shooting it yet, every other criticism site does them, yet these

What some SJWs who I disagree with are pushing for, a small subset. Idk why you're trying to paint everyone in favor of trigger warnings as wanting the same things, it's a more complex issue than you give it credit for.

I actually think the Library two parter, while very good, is where the cracks in the invincible Moffat armor start to show. Vashta Nerada AND the virtual world AND River Song was a bit too much for it to be perfect like his first three scripts. But to each his own.

Cause it's fiction, not documentary.

Trigger warnings are not an organization, no one is organizing anything. You don't have to put a trigger warning on something the same way you don't have to hold open the door for someone. Some people may find it rude, but no one but crazies would ever want laws against it.

IMO, the effort should only be spent on explaining that things if they can be made interesting, which is very hard to do.

Also true.

Maybe one day we'll see Kate Stewart act competently. We'll probably have to wait for her audios.

This whole time I didn't know opinions could be wrong, my God all the mistakes I've made.

I would have been just disturbed if she didn't describe his family because my brain fills in those details already. It's more the needlessness of the deaths from a narrative perspective that rankle me.

I'm fine with deaths that serve a narrative purpose. Like Osgood's death, that was effective. It's the random deaths that just seem so meaningless, it's offputting.

There's No Wrong Way to Love Doctor Who

I didn't even think of that! There's so much junk and plot holes I can't even keep track of it!

Let's not fool ourselves, the Brig's idea of dealing with the Master was locking him up in a flimsy prison (he even got TV privileges!) that he easily escaped from.

Genesis may have fantastic monologues and tough moral questions, but Rememberance has a Dalek killing baseball bat.

I want to be clear I have nothing against Colin as an actor. It's not his fault he was stuck in the show's two worst seasons.

Ok, look, I love a good pun twist ending, that was the one good part. But the 40 minutes of eventless nonsense that was completely undone by the end of the episode was crazy. Jenny dying was stupid, Jenny coming back to life was stuidper. The Doctor's grave made no goddamn sense. Jumping into it made no goddamn sense.