NathanFords EvilTwin

Yeah, it toes the line, but I don't think it will ever cross it (which is part of why I'm scoffing at all theories around Maisie Williams' character)

I feel like once they got Jack and River their own box sets, it was practically confirmed, and all we're waiting for now is for Tennant to be done shooting Jessica Jones.

This is the kind of elephantine memory I was hoping to see, thanks!

Good point. Though I'm still uncomfortable with seeing random people just die, especially on a show that is ideally very empathetic.

By fools!

Having seen Chibnall's Who scripts, this is probably a good call.

Even if he does become a movie star, these things take like two days to record. They can knock out a whole boxset in a week and then be set for a year.

Yeah, Moffat has serious structural problems in his later eps and it's very frustrating. These are still all great ideas taken on their own, he just seems very bad at moderating and editing himself, making everything seem like a first draft. Maybe it's a result of his time being split between two shows?

That's fucking hilarious.

This reminds me, I hate the nickname Missy, it just creates confusion. She's the Gomez Master, in show just call her the Master, she doesn't need some cutesy nickname just cause she's a woman for the first time, big whoop.

Whaaa? Who doesn't love a creepy circus?

You do NOT want to see a Thal fish tank.

How civilized.

Any RTD episode >>> The Name of the Doctor

Much More Disappointing Breakfast With Baaaaaaaaker!

Literal lol

Yeah, all good points.

Condolences for your ear.

Don't think so, he had a hivemind thing going on.