NathanFords EvilTwin

Astute point.

Ohhhhh, ok. Thanks for the clarification. Sorry, I get a little riled with that weird myth that the Doctor Who fanbase is primarily the crazies on tumblr.

Maybe? But they hardly make up a significant part of the fanbase.

I think you need to relookup the definition of many. Vocal subset at best.

Speaking of great Doctor/Davros showdowns, you mention "Terror Firma" in your review Alasdair, but I think I can one up you with the simply titled "Davros". It pairs Colin Baker against a Molloy voiced Davros, which is an EXCELLENT pairing, and is unique for being a Davros story without Daleks and a story that delves

It reminded me why I love him on the Doctor Who beat.

Yep. I hope someone finds it eventually.


Haha fair. But I think the man who wrote Blink more than anyone would know the value in not trying to dumb down for kids.

Ugh, how could I forget Empty Child or Silence in the Library. Those are great, though maybe Davies' editorial hand helped him out there. As for multi-parters being inherently more difficult to write, I dunno. I guess so, but Who has literally hundreds of examples of it being done right, so he has no excuse.

Davies' convoluted explanations for this process was always a drag, I'm glad Moffat gets the true Who spirit of just letting things inexplicably survive and letting fanfic sort out the details.

Now I'm upset it didn't cut to little doll versions of the UNIT randos she shot.

No matter how loud it needs to be, I highly doubt the head of BBC is saying "make sure the audience can't understand what's being said!" If their sound editor was at all competent, he could find some way to highlight the dialog tracks.

Yeah but that requires like, effort, ugh. So much easier to speed it up so it fits in a neat hour long block they can stuff into easy rerun blocks.

Fans are so much more vocally attached to the characters nowadays though, if the departure was anticlimatic the reaction the BBC would probably hear is "that was it?!" It's easier to see the older companions departure as more utilitarian as it was because it happened in the past, it's already fact for us when we go

Yeah, that was…a bit much. In character, sure, but like the parts of the character I already bring into the show believing so I don't have to see it, y'know?

Being a biggest show means nothing if you can't also monetize the crap out of it with ad space.

I could watch this with my parents who've only seen New Who and they weren't lost or anything, so I think they've done a good job keeping it on balance.

I love the Sisterhood of Karn! Though I thought they were technically Time Lords, but I guess not since they're still around? Whatever, they're pretty cool.

God bless Hettie MacDonald. Her first Who episode since "Blink" and she's still got it.