NathanFords EvilTwin

Oh fuck that would be just the kind of shit both Davors and Moffat would pull and I already hate it.

Yeah, it was all flashy buildup. I totally get why Moffat doesn't like two parters now. It's a miracle Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang still holds up. Then again, structurally speaking, it's practically two stories, so I guess there's your answer.

Yeah, it had all the typical Moffat problems. All cool ideas, but no substance at the core linking it together. If he just settled down and focus on two or three great ideas an episode we get things like Blink or Girl in the Fireplace or The Big Bang. I wonder if it's lack of confidence on his part, he doesn't think

It CAN be, but since the Doctor didn't get broody about his lost love and how noble and tragic that is, then yeah, in this case it was a good thing.

Finally, an heir to Delgado's bizarre mix of camp and terror.

I also love how they didn't address Davros' survival from Journey's End (unless I missed that?) Yeah, he just sticks around, somehow.

Um stuff that happened in the 70s was awesome. Just like music and movies, it's when Doctor Who was at its peak.

I'm surprised the BBC allowed as deep of lore cuts as Davros' origins and Skaro's destruction. Sure Davies included him, but all he did was pout in a chair. This was a direct follow on to a story from the 70s.

Yeah, I don't want to come off as defending the actions of any of those people in the articles, but if we use stopping them (an unfortunate but minor fraction of scoiety) as an excuse to stop progress, that's ridiculous.

Outside of the arcs at the top and bottom of the season, S6 was mostly gag eps though?? How else do you describe Chips and Ice Cream?

And yet vegetarianism still exists and thrives. People make execeptions naturally to things.

I think my general point here is the corporatism is more to blame. Put it this way, if idiots have too much power then the blame is on who's giving them the power, sure a little bit on the idiots too, but never on the moderates who happen to be associated with them.

Thanks, though I know some of those (the Vox article in particular) is about professors being overly paranoid about their students, not things that actually happened.

AT is even more light and gag focused than SU. There's like two depressing episodes a season.

It's such a new concept, boundaries will develop in time.

Yes, that definitely seems like the other half of the puzzle here.

It happens, but not as often as you think. Like the plane crash metaphor from earlier, the media over reporting the issue instills a bigger fear than appropriate.