NathanFords EvilTwin

Oh, same. But I'm also sympathetic.

I think Lars and the Real Kids and Movie Night made a pretty good case for that

[citation needed]

What if Ronaldo actually figures out the Gem mythology like, accurately, how insane would that be.

It came out of nowhere? They literally spelled it out twice with Sadie saying it was just what Steven wanted to do.

"I demand more bummers"
Sorry this show is for kids?

It was no Jepsen Jam™ that's for sure

Yeah, fuck that subjectively and arbitrarily assigned letter with little significance! It's definitely something worth getting angry about!

Lars is a dingus, but he's such a fascinating, complex dingus. A layered dingus.

The significant part is it wasn't a gag though, it was a cute and empowering moment. Also fuck you for telling me what to feel, I'll feel whatever the hell I want to feel and how strongly I want to feel it. Wheeeee!

This ties in to a sort of big life theory of mine that I'll try to boil down as simply as I can. People use art as a way of experiencing and learning about the world (even more important today, when culture is so much more vaster and fractured than its ever been). So the easiest way to enact social change is to create

I swear, the exec staff of Cartoon Network are all masochists who feed off the outrage of crazy parents. And I love that.

…how the hell did I never realize Sadie was voiced by Kate Micucci.

Pretty much sums up my reaction too. The best part about the episode was just letting me know the writing staff still remembers Sadie exists.

"Maximum Capacity" is firmly set at New Years, for another reference point. So I think we're looking at one season = one year roughly.

Oh yeah, of course. The fallacy a lot of scaremongering thinkpiece writers make is thinking the former implies the latter.

The point I'm trying to make is "dominate" is a bit of an overreach, but otherwise I agree.

His episode is the last one I've seen, and it was by far the best IMO thanks to Glenn's awesome performance. Lookin' forward to some more old man ninja badassery.

That sucks. At least their heart is in the right place, but you need to at least listen criticism if you want anyone to respect you. Still, I bet there's tons of regular, good hearted feminists (and other kinds of humanitarians) on campus. It makes me sad to think they wouldn't try to speak out because of the toxicity