NathanFords EvilTwin

Yeah, recognizing the bias is important, and I won't try to pretend there aren't some awful, overly judgmental people out there.

Thanks for showing what you were talking about, and for being understanding. The way I see it, fear of overzealously liberal students is like a fear of flying or shark attacks. There's thousands of colleges teaching millions of students, and the vast majority of times it runs smoothly. But the few problem cases always

Yeah, you get it.

It was a small college, St. Mary's College of Maryland. Maybe the fact that it was small had something to do with it? Still, it's a living example that you can talk openly about trigger warnings and problematic language without worrying about PC boogeymen out to fire you.

I prefer not dealing with that distaff name BS cause she's still the same person.

It always throws me when someone refers to her as Missy. She's still the Master! They stopped calling her Missy after the reveal IIRC.

Especially cause it seems to be dealing with fallout from the anniversary special, which is such a rich premise.

Now don't imply this mysterious Olga is a new timer, that MGS name and avatar betray him as someone very familiar.

This is exactly what I was looking for, actual specific examples. I'm honestly surprised that someone would actually act like a conservatives cartoon of them in real life, ugh.

This is bullshit in any year, but especially within the year of Black Lives Matter becoming a thing.

Can you give me an actual example of this before I believe you?

Charlie was definitely a companion who was all over the place. When she was her at her peak, all brash and sass, she was great. But other times had her be a whiny loser, and that was awful.

If you ever think this again, remember Victoria faints and gets kidnapped in literally every story she's in*

The irony is I was way more calm when writing the original post than the patronizing put down made me.

At least she gets to be like queen of the whole planet or something. Plus not ending up with a super drip like Shulk is dodging a bullet in my mind, he and Fiora make such a perfect, boring couple.

Donna > Clara > Rory > Martha > Amy > Rose

Yeah, agreed. Though if we're bringing Big Finish into the mix, I'd say Evelyn handily has the crown for Six's definitive companion. They were the best pair.

The blame for that rests way more on JNT and Saward though. Besides, they're great in audio.

If the Moffat Era lasts six seasons, it will become the longest spanning era in Who history. Though he has a while to go before he breaks JNT's record time as a producer, at least then the extra power script editors got broke up that time period into very tonally distinct chunks.

I'm not saying it wouldn't work for anyone, just that it wouldn't work for me. I really enjoy companions for the same way the Doctor does, "fresh eyes to see the universe through". Osgood just seems too in the know. But that's just my opinion.