NathanFords EvilTwin

I'm mentally counting The Runaway Bride as a travel.

I suppose that's true, but her chemistry with Baker was so flat, calling her Six's Companion doesn't feel right either. They didn't complement each other in the great way other definitive Doctor-Companion pairs do.

She will never live it down!

He's a sexist jerk! She was written by sexist jerks! Together, they're patronizing and forgettable!

But Peri was a hold over from Five, and didn't fit well with Colin Baker either. No one fit well with TV Colin Baker.

I've never seen this before but I love it!!!!

Why not both?

Now THAT'S a fascinating theory.

Good point.

And that old friend? Jessica Jones.

That last scene she had in Kill the Moon definitely vaulted her up into the all time great companion pantheon for me. Maybe not top 5, but somewhere up on the list.

Really? I thought everyone loved Donna. I sure do.

I've been listening to the Hinchcliffe penned stories Big Finish put out last year, and OMG Jamieson is even better near 40 years later, what a champ.

Yeah, it's fun to brainstorm new ways to actually surprise people in this overexposed age. Then again, Who was always more about the journey then the destination.

Oh no, we gotta wait till 2020 before they can get sacked!

Yeah, same, but if series 9 uses her well I won't mind it as much. All those gifs with her wielding a rocket launcher look very promising.

Am I so out of touch?

IMO, Doctor Who is always better when told from the companion's point of view and not the other way around. Which is part of why 7B really didn't work for me.

Rumor is we should sack Moffat for making us wait, this is a rumor I'm starting right now, well it's less of a rumor and more of a call to vigilante action.

Needing a clever name to identify yourself always struck me as odd. Like I don't want what kind of TV shows I like to ever define who I am as a person, that's just weird.