NathanFords EvilTwin

Just like poor Ben and Polly.
"Who's Ben and Polly?"

You're right, but I see where's he's coming from. Compare that to the ending of Mummy on the Orient Express.

Why bother with a self-insert, when you can just insert yourself?

It is, and I think it'd be a fun way to avoid months of useless "CAN a woman be the Doctor??" articles and pre-outrage that would happen if a woman was cast the normal way.

Ok, but let's try doing that and have it actually be good.

It's worth it to see Richard E. Grant in the role, and to experience a weird piece of mid-00s ephemera, sort of a proto-webseries. But as a story it's shit.

Faye Marsay (is it that hard to google a name?) would probably not have been available anyways due to Game of Thrones commitments. Let's not play the game where we imagine perfect unrealistic scenarios if only such and such happened to justify criticisms.

You know I know that, you don't have to frame that point like it's a lesson.

Stay out of the kitchen, etc.

She's playing a major recurring character (on a podcast)


Fair. I want things different, but in the ways I want it to be different lol.

OH SHIT Ruth Negga would be excellent, especially since SHIELD just dropped her.

Ah, true. Clara would do that at times (and the kind of conflict between criticism and worship is what made their dynamic so fascinating) but a companion who always makes the Doctor own up to his mistakes is great.


The key is to find someone Abnormal Fescue doesn't like so we get him and all the other shallow people to reevaluate their priorities.

I nominate Hayley Atwell as a companion…who turns out to be the Doctor's next incarnation w/ amnesia! Twist! And then everyone's happy.

Ugh, I hate this "let's bring shit back" mentality. You have 14 11 great episodes with her already, and tons of books and comics, and in a few years Big Finish will probably be putting out the New Ten and Donna Adventures once a month anyways. Let's let the main show focus on what Doctor Who is good at, giving us new…

Or at least not white. Diversity in perspective would be nice.

So like the one we had last season?