NathanFords EvilTwin

I can't figure out if you don't know the definition of the word "break" or "pretty-faced"

I'd say the opposite, having a companion already know who the Doctor is before meeting/traveling with him feels wrong.

I don't know! Third base!

I'm not really sad, cause given how long she's been on the show it was just a question of if not this season then next, but I will miss her. After a dodgy first few episodes I loved her work in series 8.

Let me know if it does

That sounds mildly more creative, but not very encouraging. You'd think making fun of Bjork would be out of style by now.

There's still plenty of meat on that bone! You boil some water, add some broth, a potato…

I picked that up, but that doesn't really contradict my point since "the lead guy's a jackass!" is a joke they hit over and over again.

I watched five minutes of the pilot before deciding this is Not For Me. It's a shame cause between the pacing, the line delivery, the enthusiasm, the insanity, there's so many top notch elements at work here. The sheer volume of jokes and the skill in their execution is fantastic, almost on par with it's inspiration

Oh yeah, so we're in agreement then.

Oh yeah, that's where the idea came from.

Well of course the Marvel stuff gets promoted, but that seems to be the only thing.

True, but a lot of that happens after the season drops. I guess they don't care about pre-release hype as much?

I wonder if they'll try to best of both worlds it and do a kind of staggered release thing, like releasing episodes in 3 to 4 bunches every week across a month.

Never heard Ansari had a new series before today. Netflix is such a booming biz, sounds like it can't keep track of promoting everything it has.

Same, stupid NBC being stupid.

"In Crackle's first original series"

Sounds less like a quibble and more like a set up for a future episode.

Yeah, low bar to clear and all, but that was spectacular. I especially love Jerry's nesting solution to the problem.