NathanFords EvilTwin

Disney aired 3 whole Gravity Falls before this came back! That's like an eternity!

Yeah, see, it's those last two things that have me a little concerned.

A Will Graham avatar making this comment is kind of pot calling kettle black.

Wait this show is a stealth Ghost Trick adaptation? I need to get back into this.

Oh for fuck's sake. It's so bizarre how unfun the show became when it also started introducing talking gorillas.


Now will the show actually be fun again, or will Barry continue to be a broody crap like he was in the last section of the season? At least we're done with the nonsense time travel stuff I could never figure out. Multiverse stuff is awesomely weird AND fairly straightforward, so hopefully this helps them avoid the

It doesn't have to cause you still click on it.

He gets the most development over the course of the series, you saw him at his most annoying for sure.


Inception came out the summer before my freshman year of college, and it instantly became a good conversation starting point for my entire college class lol. I think I wound up seeing it five times in that year because it was a safe movie watching pick.

Well they gotta, since the retellings have to happen before they can do the rest of the show.

I do respect that opinion, even if I don't share it.

I knew that, I just thought Hand of Fear was at the end of 13, googling reveals I was wrong. My bad!

Totally fair! But since I've always been a Tegan agnostic at best, that's why I didn't have the same reaction.

I didn't know that! That's sweet.

She didn't depart at the end of her second season with Baker? My bad.

Which would make sense, no companion has stuck around for more than 3 seasons.

As I've said before, this is such a weird fear. Yeah of course women were watching this show for reasons beyond getting off, they see the same good things in it you do.

Really? Though I loved Tegan in The Gathering, she was barely in it, most of that story was detestable guest characters. Which remains a baffling choice to me.