NathanFords EvilTwin

Clickhole TV presents The Swear Brothers, the story of two brothers who travel the country, and cannot rest until they swear at all the stupid men and children.


Like I needed another reason to love Ronda Rousey. That's awesome.

This is a great point actually. When the president watches Marvel movies and plays Portal, I think we're way past the point where assuming what you're interested in defines your social status at all.

Obviously it's getting those $2 that will convince Disney to renew it.

"best friend"

I think the defining line between whether you're a loser or not is how stuck you are in your rut and fearful you are of change. The show didn't really make that point, but given that the winners of this ep (the Pines) both learned to enjoy each other's pastimes, that's a parallel that works.

*father's brother

Only 90s kids will understand this cold, dark secret.

Yeah, I've grown way too used to CN's punchy, no commercial breaks episode lengths. Though I really appreciate the double length of GF episodes allowing for more weird and elaborate gags

Man this speaks to me. The tone of this site's community has definitely seem to swung away from "inclusionary playhouse" to "top secret cool club, no normies allowed" and it's a little off putting, especially as the articles themselves seem to be striving to be more inclusive and the staff gets more diverse. It's a

That is the thinnest excuse I've heard yet to link to that video and I'm not even upset, cause I love that video.

Disney Infinity 4 is gonna be a wild game.

It sounds like that's the point the show is moving towards making, but the twins won't realize that until the most dramatic and painful moment possible. *grabs popcorn*

I love Simmons fully committing his booming serious voice to talk about dungeons and wizards. Alasdair, I know you say he's probably not going to stick around for long, Oscar and all, but the man is wasting his talents if he's not voice acting, he's seriously good at it. Just compare Ford to Tenzin, Lenny Turtletaub,

I do like how even though Ford is clearly set up as a conflict generator going forward, the show isn't painting him to be a bad person.

My weekly checking of the episode list of Wikipedia never fails me! It bums me out, but it never fails!

"Fantasy world come to life" is one of the most common tropes there is. An all powerful die is just used cause when you're doing a D&D parody that's the most obvious and direct route to get there.

Honestly surprised we haven't seen him on Bojack Horseman yet.