NathanFords EvilTwin

That scene made it obvious there's a dichotomy being built here, one that's been rolling ever since Mabel was the one who trusted Stan in Not What He Seems. It's gonna tear the Pines twins apart, and that will be delicious drama.

The only person who can outsmart Ducktective is….Ducktective!!

Biggest laugh I've had since early season 1. Which also made fun of the 90s a lot hmmmmmmmm.

A devil could be anything, though, especially when multiple universes are in play. You know how many Satans are in Doctor Who? A lot.

Coldstone knows what's popular.

Mr. Peanut Butter, peanut butter is one word.

Yes, I too can recognize people's voices.

Judging by the animation it looks like it and I CANNOT WAIT

My fav was "You know what they do to 3 dimensional people in Time Prison? Same thing they do in every prison. But it lasts forever."

I died when the deer van decal peeled off revealing a Coldstone Creamery logo. Wonder if that was a paid ad, or if someone on the staff is just a huge fan. (Or both?)

Love that read about Rick praying. It'd make sense for a guy who prides himself on certainty to be terrified on the one thing we have no way of knowing about.

Great the show's back! And it's nice to see the other family members finally being felshed out more, especially Beth who I think was completely one dimensional last year. Her B plot was hysterical and I almost liked it more than the A-plot, something that never happened in S1. After the frustrating comments Harmon

Oh no I forgot what week this was going up! Zach's reviews have been so loving and thorough I haven't felt the need to ever add much to them, but with these two I do feel like I want to throw in some two cents. First off, The Sting is my favorite Futurama episode easily, quite possibly my favorite episode of

See also: Regular Show, Chowder. Though I'd say Bojack is the cleverest of all of those by a mile.

"Capitalism sows the seeds for its own destruction!"

They can turn their heads fairly close to 180 degrees in both directions IIRC. So that was an exaggeration, but a hilarious, awesomely animated one.

"I don't know how to tell you this…David Copperfield isn't a huge draw anymore"

It's just not renewed yet, and right now the gap of a whole month and a half is the longest it's taken for a Netflix announcement on renewal or cancellation.

Not Sense8 :(

Taking some good cues from Arrested Development too, seeing how good it is at playing the long game with some of its setups.