NathanFords EvilTwin

That's…the point I'm already making?

I could see it being used as an element of a good episode, but it'd have to go way further than just a standard love triangle.

That does not qualify as an original thing to do with them, but if you're looking for a trite, boring thing then you've got it on the money.

Please let's never find out what Gem poetry is like.

My big fear is the writers have no more interesting stories to tell about them. I suppose keeping them on the back burner is better than telling boring stories about them but. BUT.

Something that is very hard to convey in the entirety of 11 minutes, much less the denouement of one episode. So I wouldn't read too hard into my critique of the week, part of me is honestly impressed by the attempt.

It's a very good one though

That's true. It was hard to put a pinpoint on what kind of relationship Sardonyx was representing though.

Which is where the problem lies for me. Ok, my initial post is a little to glib, but it's hard to know how serious Pearl's slip up was, and CfH was too dense to offer clues. I think the biggest problem is Garnet's initial complaint was it was distracting them from the hunt for Peridot, something they didn't seem


That Homeworld wants to come back to that renovation job they've been procrastinating on for 5000 years is my guess.

1 > 2 > 3, IMO.

I wonder if Future Vision is the weapon, like some Gems just have nonstandard weapons.

The show is stuck because if it frames fusion as sex here, then Pearl essentially raped Garnet by making her fuse under dubious consent. And it's not treated THAT seriously. But it's treated more seriously than the powerup Jasper frames it as. So…it's like trying to find a middle ground and I don't think it succeeded

My one man subsect of the fandom also has a different interpretation: "Hey, where's Sadie and Lars?"

I don't know, she seemed pretty defeated at the end of this episode.

Gotta say Steven Bomb 3 hasn't worked for me as well as the rest of you, it was hard for me to get invested in the Garnet/Pearl conflict, idk, the mechanics of how sacred a magic alien ritual is just didn't feel relatable to this human. Peridot is an A+ annoying villain though, and all of Steven and Amethysts asides

Bamford's director is an excellent cast addition, she strikes the tricky balance between believing in Bojack but also gives the impression that she won't tolerate him if he doesn't put in the effort. Also the sharpie line was killer.

The show seems to know which are the weak jokes though, cause it just flies through them in seconds. It's the Airplane philosophy, victory through sheer numbers.

The person you're replying to.