NathanFords EvilTwin

Ooooh, yeah, all of those feel truly unique in what they accomplish. Those stories would be creatively groundbreaking on "adult" shows, let alone one airing on Cartoon Network.

It's so good! The way Bob and Louise's argument transitions seamlessly from arguing in-character, to standing in for the actors, to talking about their own relationship put me on the edge of my seat. And then I bawled.

The writers have struck upon a winning formula, and it's Pearl suffering = Great TV

Ok, harder, but not impossible as you've shown.

I think that also ties into UKS' big weakness, where because Kimmy's inner emotional conflict reaches it's climax and conclusion in episode 11 (the aforementioned brilliant Soul Cycle ep) the last two feel frustratingly drawn out and kinda there. With the core element of Kimmy's growth missing, they feel hollow and

Also acceptable

I agree with pretty much all of this. Though I still enjoyed him in the last two, it was definitely harder when he was directly threatening her.

The show has aired like 30 episodes so far this year and hasn't hit a bum note in any of them. If I'm gonna nominate one, it'd be either "Full Disclosure" or "Rose's Scabbard", please don't make me choose.

They dug coal together!

Exhibt A: No Steven Universe

Sadly, Korra ended last year.

"Five men"


This is why Wikipedia was invented.

It's insane the writers think they could reveal Oliver faked being brainwashed and then still get any tension from anything that happened afterwards.

Not promoting Katrina Law to regular cast because you are a FOOL

I hate this because I know it will happen. Let your characters have fun, Arrow! For once!

I can't decide on a best. CW, Comedy Central, FX, and Cartoon Network/Adult Swim have built this great little underground cabal of really fun, groundbreaking auteur driven channels over the last few years, and I'll at least check out nearly anything they put out.

I'm really torn on that show. Awful title and insane premise on the one hand, but on the other, musical! I mean I suffered through two seasons of Smash, at this point it would be ridiculously off-brand for me to turn this down.

You can stay behind on Arrow IMO.