NathanFords EvilTwin

YO WHAT?! Awesome. Love her work.

I'd be so down for some Shakespeare in my Steven Universe.

Yeah, why would Pearl do something that makes zero sense, it's almost as if she's not an entirely logical computer! "Space Race" and "Rose's Scabbard" pretty definitively prove that Pearl's logic goes out the window when Rose is involved.


Hey buddy! Fuck you!

Ah interpreting a connotative use of a word literally, truly a worthwhile debate everyone loves arguing about.

"Filler" means "not advancing the overall story", at least that was my intention when using the word. That is to say, Connie wouldn't die in an episode that wasn't also integral to the overarching plot because that's how these shows are structured. I'm sorry if I used the word wrong, but I'd rather have a conversation

I mean, yeah, they are. Western cartoons at least. Filler is only a dirty word because of the Japanese model, where EVERY episode tends to contribute to one continuously running arc. So the non-story essential episodes are often awkwardly shoehorned in and poorly thought out. For a show designed to be episodic like

My idea is Diamonds are the New Order that overthrew Rose's monarchy. But that would also work.

I sincerely don't expect Steven or Connie to die or be significantly injured though, at least not this late into a filler episode.

Never doubt the power of an effective montage, ESPECIALLY when set to song.

Even the no-stakes fight against the holograms had a lot great choreography and animation put into it. Beautiful stuff.

Yes! And they all sit together at the end! And Connie and Lion are with them! I love the subtle incorporation of the new status quo here. I didn't even think about how much the status quo had changed until right now, what a masterfully subtle shift.

Now I'm coming up with my own theory, that Rose is a deposed monarch, overthrown by a coup pushing for…whatever government system the Homeworld has now. Probably not good, given their status as villains. But that would add a lot of shades if Rose's regime wasn't pearly white either.

Good advice all the same.

That's awesome, congrats! I'd move to any place with more film opportunities. Albuquerque is the safest bet of those since I have family there.

Anywhere where there's more film production than here, though having relatives in Albuquerque makes that pretty tempting.

Things are fine! I graduated college a year ago and have been working around since, at a movie theater 3 days a week and doing tech work for actual theaters freelance. I've also been super busy which is why all my internet-social interaction has become almost exclusively AVC twitter haha. Trying to save up money.

Things are fine! I graduated college a year ago and have been working around since, at a movie theater 3 days a week and doing tech work for actual theaters freelance. I've also been super busy which is why all my internet-social interaction has become almost exclusively AVC twitter haha. Trying to save up money

mratfink! I also haven't talked to you in forever! How have you been?