NathanFords EvilTwin

Honestly, Eddie is the only redeeming character for me at this point because at least he doesn't think lying to Iris is a good idea. Everyone else is too stupid to deserve my sympathy. The fact that I came to this decision over the course of only four episodes is a bad sign of how far this show has gone off the rails

He was up for season 2, but mentioned in interviews thinking it was gonna be in 2017, post-Defenders. So he already booked himself for next year.

Greg is always The Best

Yeah, same. Fusion Cuisine is the only episode that doesn't really work for me.

So it's scifi then. Wicked.

Did Loretta even have a single line in the finale? And yet Dever still gave one of the best performances in it. Hollywood would be a fool not to turn her into a superstar.

My marshal stiffy has never been stiffer

Best buildup to a surprise slash fic ever.

Head wounds do bleed disproportionately a lot.

Lotta parallels in the finale, good to see Justified flaunting around its fav rhetorical device with every last breath.

I see we think the same way.

Shhh, it's ok, we only have around 20 years to wait for the sequel series, where we learn that Willa and Zachariah have grown up on opposite sides of the law, and fate brings them together….to fall in love.

6 > 4 > 2 >>> 3 > 1 >>>>>>>>> 5

I'm sorry, but it has to be Wynn Wynn Situation.

I'm gonna miss this show, a truly unique asset to television. All Great TV these days feels so intricately plotted, with every step of the way perfectly planned out. Now granted, this is usually a plus. Intuitively having a story that connects to itself all the way through, allowing it to consciously develop its

She was #1 on my most wanted cameo list, and I'm glad they finagled some way to get her involved. Sad Shelby, couldn't make it, but I'll take what I can get.

I have no idea, maybe. But this was written by Steven Universe writers as part of the Steven Universe production team. The UG crew is busy with their own show, I doubt many could help beyond consulting.

The word you're looking for is "subtext" but yeah, that's a great reading.

Since when did people get rewarded for not doing bad things? It should be a given that they wouldn't reference a terrible show haha.

Ya gotta learn when to be invested and when to be detached. This is an episode where it's best just to go with the flow.