NathanFords EvilTwin

Everything in this episode came from the Steven Universe crew.

IDK, I'm willing to be lenient on a show that's telling kids the good word of being weird as they want and not to be hateful or new or strange things. If more people learned that at a young age, the world would be better, so I hope some youngun takes that to heart.

"a battle system inspired by Paper Mario"

Was it? I need a source for that. I know it was produced as part of season 2.

You have no strong feelings one way or the other.

I miss Chowder even more. The fourth wall bending stuff reminded me a LOT of that show, but I have an inkling UG-proper isn't as funny.

Space Ghost isn't a child though. Though neither are the SWAT Kats. Defeated by my own logic, curses!

The day before this episode comes out?

I imagine a similar story is behind a lot of these copycats.

I will kill your infant daughter.

That's what I guessed too, but Jay See has a good point. Maybe it accidentally exploded in the other timeline.

Actually the suit vibrates with him because SPEED FORCE and SHUT UP

He co-starred in a movie with Nicolas Cage recently, so he's not in a great place right now.

It's interesting cause in real life, not really! But we're so used to the cliches by now that it seems logical that would happen.

It's certainly not Barry. Of course the box the Trickster set up with a bomb painted right on it is gonna be a trick ya goof.

Jesus Christ, TB Rhine.

Now hold up, this season of Better Call Saul isn't over yet, we just started season 2 of Steven Universe, and season 3 of Hannibal plus season 2 of Rick and Morty are coming this summer. I say we let civilization ride for a few months longer and hold off on calling it until we're sure.

Yeah, that's what I assumed happened. Eobard was so alien, and not that he couldn't pick up acting lessons in 15 years, but "Wells" just seems too different.

If he is a "super-scientist" then that is different I guess. Though I have a funny scene playing in my mind where he kills Welles and then suddenly realizes "dammit, wait, I'm a chemist, not a physicist" and has to spend the next few years learning the knowledge to understand Wells' notes.