NathanFords EvilTwin

I mean it's been balanced out by the time travel and talking gorilla so far, but not for much longer.

They had a great big reveal and they THREW IT AWAY

*whispers quietly to self*
Thea was always awesome

This is one of those debates where neither side will be able to convince the other and its off-topic anyways so let's please not have it.

This is the same company that has Plastic Man and Elongated Man.

I want to give big props to Matt Letscher, who played OG Thawne like a freaky alien, and it was unsettling in a cool way. Also, there had to be some kind of mental fusion going on as well right? I don't know how he'd know how to build a particle accelerator on his own.

Huh, interesting idea in theory. But in practice I vastly prefer a show where there's no secret identity BS, so hopefully that doesn't happen.

Wow, nerd alert.

It's so weird that Barry sees breaking news about the guy being missing, but Iris can be tricked into thinking he's taken a vacation. If she actually swallows Eddie's ridiculous lie, then I'm gonna lose a lot of respect for this show.

I doubted before, but it's very possible now that we have direct confirmation the future can be drastically changed like that. It sounds like a timeloop is out of the cards now, considering this timeline's Barry got powers seven years early.

I feel like I should watch said writing off in question before going on with it, I was just confused enough, but what little I heard was excellent.

Thank you! Maybe I will, if I remember my login haha

The sandwhich stealing scene, I love it so much. It's so over the top mean and ridiculous, but then the Doctor sincerely apologizes and it somehow completely redeems it.

Doctor Who Spinoff Corner Not many this month (which also has some from last month) because apparently working two jobs leaves you tired enough that you don't need to unwind with Doctor Who audio in the evening, instead you fall straight asleep! Well then!

Eh, that's the chord it struck with me I guess. Art being open to interpretation and all.

Canonically, in the world of the show, yes. They've never been lovers. But in the episode, the way they described when they first hung out after Rose's death seemed to intentionally use a lot of language like people use to describe a rebound relationship that doesn't work out, one that gets slid back into again years

Romance between Pearl and Rose and Amethyst and Greg was subtext, great metaphor, but not necessarily canon

If you think Spider-Man broods you've been reading/watching the wrong Spider-Man stories.

Yeah, it's really pointless.

Yeah, totally. The lack of recognizable talent on the show sort of weirded me out at first (compared to say the comforting presence of Tom Kenny or Kristen Schaal) but breaking out of the kind of incestuous VA industry was a big boon to the show. It's made all of the characters and voices feel just a bit more unique,