DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

After all, having TV’s Roseanne die in such an overtly tragic way does seem like a little much,

Well not really, as almost no one will really hear about this or recall it. Stories like this come out in all sorts of industries, but that does not mean they usually have much if any impact.

The Killing Joke is pretty good, and a lot of that is the woven in origin story. This could blow, but it could also be interesting if done right.

Agreed. Changes like this happen in EVERY movie. Both of these changes make perfect sense story-wise and of course anything you don’t shoot saves money.

So it was obviously drilled from the inside, and sloppily. But there is just no way someone is going to do that in space (it it looks like it took a while too with all the drill scuff marks) and not have the others notice.

Meh... I am fine with US regulations slowing these down. This iteration looks like crap. Plus, tech fails, then I have no rear view on that side (or anywhere depending on what fails). A mirror just always works and does exactly what I need it to do.

So here is how the comments, and all Apple product release feedback will go, and always goes.

Ummm.... they actually showed the notch plenty. 99% of the world just doesn’t give a shit to be honest.

It is not that surprising actually. Those other shows are pretty easy to keep turning out. AG is complex, quirky, and visually trippy to translate onto screen with a lot of complicated characters of questionable motivation. Then you have to translate that faithfully to a new medium, and not everything translates well.

This is the simplest, yet most useful, thing you can do when disassembling or fixing anything, agreed. Especially in the era of just snapping it on your phone which you can just glance at a nice large image at any time forward. Saves a lot of hassle when saying “exactly how DID this bike brake cable connect to this

Well, just like the end of the Beatles, if the Beatles actual records kept flopping.

Such a waste. The recent films were not good, but Cavill himself was terrific at embodying that character. He really could have taken Supes to new hieghts with the audience if he got better writing. He was the only thing I really enjoyed about the Justice League movie, as little as he was in it.

What excuses? I am saying he is probably lying about his claimed “exploits”. Not that his work should be printed.

It is over: She has run out of juicy details to share with us,

To judge from his own accounts of his sexual exploits in the books he published himself, Roosh is a dangerous sexual predator who has been getting away with it for years.

Really? Because I am pretty sure that once you let a vampire in, saying “hey, I changed my mind, please leave now” is not going to work.

You know, you can still like Cynthia Nixon AND accept that this is a HORRID bagel decision.

Subway drives me crazy (but my kids love it for some reason). My biggest annoyance (and I admit is just an annoyance) is this idea that you have various sandwich options on the menu, you pick one, and then they still ask you how to build it every. step. of. the. way. Good lord, just turn around and make me that one

Totally agree on that sentiment, except that probably 99% of cops actually DO what Dennis is describing. So his point is valid.

The idea that somehow this game is bad because Spidey is helping the police seems like a personal beef being translated to the game, because this IS what he does in the comics at various points in their history (along with not getting appreciated for it). It is sort of like complaining that Batman is cooperating with