DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

So let’s say you have a friend or family member who decides to go bungee jumping. Their cord snaps and they fall to their death. At their funeral you would tell people “well, he fucked around and found out!” Or “well, he played a stupid game and won a stupid prize!”

No, Liberty Mutual bought State Auto Group, an entirely different company from State Farm Insurance.  

we don’t know if West said it while looking at Cage with total disdain or a sly twinkle in his eye.

idk I thought the joke was pretty hilarious lol, just because people suffered through something doesn’t mean it can’t be joked about. I’d say that most of the best jokes are born from some sort of trauma. Comedy is just a way of working through stuff differently. Though the corporate aspect is whack

The only cast member I really had problems with was Jared Leto. There might be a better cast out there, but the real problem with Suicide Squad was the screenwriter and director.


Yeah, I never understood the love for Hocus Pocus.


that was my experience watching hocus pocus as well.

There . . . is no $3 billion that could be otherwise spent. It’s almost all tax credits, which New York City (and New York State) wouldn’t get anyways if Amazon didn’t move in there.

This is what the Reboot reboot should have been like. Yes, I’m old and bitter.

*High 5*. Remember when Gen X was told that we were “the first generation whose income would not exceed our parents”?

I call the tiny home.

ITT: Millennials acting like they’re the first people to ever have to face crushing student loan debt, disruptive technology, and a crap economy and job market while being condescended to by previous generations.

Only if I can be the glass of Rose in a solo cup.

Dibs on the Native American headdress token!

“To Infinity and YOUR MOM!”

I’ve always disliked Superman because of just this. His “weakness” was to become human. Meanwhile, Captain America is human 100% of the time.

Kal-el was a godlike alien. Diana came from a race of superwomen. Aquaman isn’t entirely human.