DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

The employee might have been a dick. I have no idea since the video does not show what he did. But he did NOT admit to profiling or anything else. He just said “If I say this will you leave?” and then just says what the guy wants him to say so he will leave.

According to a LOT of disturbing fan fiction out there, she already HAS a girlfriend, Anna.

I don’t know if one hit wonder is fair just yet. With the exception of Warcraft, which was a product he has little creative control over, he appears to like to take on off-beat, original projects. These are going to be risky. Like you said, Moon was great, Source Code kept my interest, and I have not seen Mute but it

I don’t really see an issue here from the charges. He was speeding and caused a death, and was charged as such. On the passengers, you had the car unsafely loaded with people, a poorly installed car seat, and an unlicensed driver, so appropriate charges were made there.

What annoyed me was he seemed to have no idea what he was talking about half the time. For example in the Women’s Downhill, he spent all of Goggia’s run going on about how she was sluggish and her run would have no chance of hanging on as many of the other skiers would easily outpace it, and the whole time she is

Dana Loesch needs to stop opening her mouth and just shut up. But that said, the fact that the media ARE a bunch “death-hungry ratings fiends” is nothing new and why her words will work with some people out there.

Ehh. I can think of a lot of reasons to sue Bill O’Reilly. The guy is a dick. But this is not one of them. It is really no one’s fucking business what goes on in a divorce. In the end, my knowing will not change the judge’s decision. So let it run its course.

Yep, you just set a default, but use whatever you want. I use ApplePay, and where I live NFC in terminals is almost universal. Even when this all started and the store had never heard of ApplePay, it worked just fine. With all the payment systems now out there, there are few holdout (but I admit it is not 100%).

All I can picture after this guy’s rant is Emily Litella ....

There are only two ways to take this show.

Not sure how you can say that. McCain lost with a combo of his choice for VP massively backfiring, and a myriad of other factors. McCain would have killed Clinton if she had gotten the nomination as many thought she would. And Trump is absolutely NOT hard right. He is a former democrat and current populist (and former

Geez people, JO is not “destroying Trump”. He is not “making sense of the chaos”. And he is certainly not “placating just enough people so that protests and movements have little chance to grow”.

What muslim and left-wing mass murderers? Pulse Nightclub...and.....fort hood? That’s it? There are no ‘left-wing mass murderers’ unless you want to count the softball field shooting which more or proves that point.

So....from the end of the post, it sounds like she likes to talk about taking time off for various reasons, but is not so much on actually doing so.

No, I am sure he would not. I started my original reply saying I disagreed about school quality. I was just backing up the statement that you are guaranteed an education through high school.

You make the US educational system sound like a socialist utopia where the only thing holding people back is their own failings and stupidity.

Well sure. But in this case she seems to be the one who was particularly concerned (which is fine). Most of the rest of the viewing world either was fine seeing it, or did not care.

So kids aren’t being forced out and excluded in American schools?!? Really?

My personal favorite are the Ham Sui Gok, which are fried and crispy, chewy pockets of pork filled indulgence.

God I love those, and they come in a number of filling options.